The Infiltration

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As the plane went through the typical turbulence, Ace leaned back in his spot and raked a hand through his hair as he peered through the window; his eyes transfixed on the soft, fluffy clouds and the sun high overhead. And while he was stuck on that 10-hour flight from New York to Spain, he had all the time in the world to ponder on how he'd go about with his current mission.

From the time that Whitebeard had called him to where he was right now, Ace thought of nothing but getting his revenge on Blackbeard, as that was the only thing keeping him sane right now.

It was all he could think about--all he could put his mind to if he didn't want to relapse into that violent cycle of destructive thoughts and anger.

When the male refocused on the outside world, he was reminded of how he'd gotten into this situation in the first place...


Marco flicked the lighter in his hand several times, his eyes obviously glazed over in thought as he repeated the actions until the ravenette finally placed his hand down and snatched it from him.

Then, tossing the object aside, Ace slammed his palms down on the table and stared at the blonde dead in the eye, his voice a gravelly sound as he spat out, "You know I left that life, Marco, so why would Pops ask that of me? Why would he assign me this knowing that I want nothing to do with that gang shit anymore?"

Marco's dark eyes flicked up.

"Because you're the only one who can do it." The blonde then steepled his fingers on his seat, "You're the best infiltrator of our group, Ace, that's why he assigned this particular mission to you and only you. He knows that you don't want to do it, but we honestly don't have a choice in the matter. Blackbeard can no longer be allowed to run rampant--we must find him and suppress him before he inflicts any more damage to us."

The ravenette's face tightened at the traitor's name, partially swayed by the anger that zipped through his body and the need to bash that bastard's face in, but not wanting to let his emotions cloud his judgment, he pressed down on his temple and pushed the thoughts aside before he turned to the other and decided to ask about the nature of his mission, more inclined to hear what it entailed rather than what the other had done.

"I'll listen to what you have to say before I decide--on the condition that you assure that this mission won't affect my private or public life whatsoever."

"It won't," The male assured, "As long as you maintain your appearance as Fire Fist, you won't have to worry about this little get-away affecting you."

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