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'Hiraeth - A homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was...'

You woke up to the feeling of moonlight against your face. It was cold, but the body next to you fulfilled that warmth you desired, certainly something one would find comforting, but as you stirred in bed, you were certain something was off.

It had been several days since your little 'getaway' trip with Ace, and now, as you stood in the streets of Rome at exactly forty-five past eleven on the thirty-first of December, you felt a chilly breeze come over your body. Ruffling through what little layers kept you warm, and you crossed your arms to preserve your warmth. Your bagged eyes flitting to every alley, every street, and every puddle with a wariness that only brought about the reminiscent feelings of a time long past; of a time when you were still a homeless child on the streets of Roma. Begging for food, for shelter, for comfort... for love.

The last time you'd stepped foot in this part of Italy had been years ago. Back when you still had Lola... Back when you trusted no one and nothing but yourself.

But it was different this time.

You looked over to Ace, eyes lighting on his ethereal appearance as the moonlight perfectly framed his freckled cheeks and cut jaw; dark eyes widening on the Church before you.

This time, you had him.

He was strong, and safe, and warm. And you knew that this time, things wouldn't turn out as they had with Lola. This time, you were ready to proceed with your life on a new leg. To turn over a leaf you had rejected long ago to pursue a life of darkness.

Breath freezing in the Roman air, you directed your gaze to the towering Cathedral before you, eyes taking in the carved inscription upon the weathered pillars.

Saint Peter's Basilica , the Church where you'd last seen Lola. Still a marvel and steeped with an inherent glow of something heavenly, but tainted with a darkness as you stepped foot into the curved marble floor.

As hard as it was to take the first step into this place of memories, you felt safe with Ace by you. Like you could do anything. Whether that be rolling a stone up a mountain or facing your worst fears. With him, you felt free. It was different from the freedom Luffy brought you, or Kid. This one was unconstrained and warm, where the others were biting and exhilarating. Ace brought about a domestic comfort you felt you could bask in for ages while Kid and Law brought you a fleeting moment of ecstasy. Those were always fun while they lasted, but you wanted something more.

You pressed your hand on the area over your heart, shaking those thoughts away.

This was the closure you required, you thought with a swallow. This was what you needed to finally get over Lola and the tragic memories of your past. To step into the light with Ace and look forward without having to look back.

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