Double Trouble

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You were twelve when you first met Luffy. Having moved from Rome to Sicily, you were shocked by the change. From living in a city over the water, you were suddenly living in a mansion overlooking the clear blue sea. It wasn't anything like your home town, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

And as you sat by yourself, you recalled the exact day you met that snot-nosed brat.

It was a hot day in June. The cicadas were chirping their tune and the civilians were idly enjoying their time in the sun. Many tourists stopped by to enjoy the inherent beauty within the area, taking in the sights and smells. Unlike the pedestrians outside though, you were cooped up in your room, playing with a toy robot. Perona had gone out to do questionable things while you were stuck in the house. And although Mihawk didn't place very many restrictions on you when he was around, he preferred you to be within his line of sight, or at the very least, near him. Call it protective instincts, but his memory of you curled up and crying in that alley put him in a foul mood.

While you were lounging in your room, you heard the doorbell ring. Soon after, you heard muffled voices speaking through the walls.

Toy robot clutched in your arm, you skipped out of your room and made your way downstairs, peeking over the banister to the three individuals below. There was a man with a shock of red hair and blazing eyes. Complimenting his rugged, laid-back style were three distinctive scars running over his left eyelid.

'Perhaps he had a bad run-in with a cat,' You silently thought to yourself. Beside the red-haired man was a lanky, if not an odd-looking boy. He had a mop of black hair atop his head and large, round eyes that peered back up at you. Beneath his left eye was a curved scar, not unlike the one the red-haired man had.

"Who's that, Shanks?" The boy asked nonchalantly, his pinkie shoved deep into his nostril.

"I'm Y/n," You hopped down the stairs to stand in front of the boy, "Nice to meet you." You extended your hand towards him, expecting him to return it. Instead, he flicked a booger away and gave you a thousand-watt smile.

"You speak good English!"

You cocked your head to the side quizzically.

"Italian is my native language, but Mihawk wanted me to learn English."

Once again the boy stuck his finger into his nose, wriggling it around a little. He was already bored of your conversation, judging by the way his eyes were wandering around the room. But despite his indifferent attitude, you were still captivated by the small boy. He was a bounding, energetic ball of charisma that you couldn't help but be drawn to.

"Really? That's cool. Anyways, I'm Monkey D. Luffy!" The boy bounded to your side and gave you several hearty slaps on the back. You recoiled from the sudden movement, your fight-or-flight instincts kicking in.

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