Highway to Hell

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You relayed your entire situation to your group, down to the nitty-gritty details -- well, as much as you could without worrying them too much -- before you hopped into the passenger of Killer's jeep; tossing your bags into the back. You were just thankful that Kid was going to ride his motorcycle the entire way to New Jersey while you stuck with Killer. As he was fairly quiet, you had no question that it'd be a comfortable journey. With the exception of the occasional stop. And although Nami was reluctant to let you go at first, Luffy was able to convince her otherwise. You were already an adult capable of making your own choices and he'd just reminded her that you were safe, even if you were with Kid. Despite what others thought of him, Luffy knew that he cared for you, to some extent, and that no harm would befall you while he was there. Well, no harm except for him. Kid was the only one you really needed to keep an eye on.

Once you were locked and loaded, and ready to go with your legs swinging somewhat excitedly below you, you tapped on Killer's shoulder and told him that you were prepared. With a single, affirming nod from Kid upfront, the gang then started. Bikes and muscle vehicles revving to life before they roared down the streets, beckoning a cloud of dust behind them as they did.

Flying down the highway at a much higher speed than would be deemed normal, Killer looked over at you through his mask. His forehead creased as he leaned into your space and fiddled with the climate control, turning the fan on high and cranking the temperature all the way up. He turned all of the vents to face you and you shivered as the first puffs of stale air washed over your face. With a quick thanks, you tugged at the sleeves of your hoodie over your cold fingers and watched as Killer silently nodded back in affirmation, and you knew beneath the blue mask that he was smiling too.

"Feel free to adjust them how you like," He gestured vaguely at the controls before he readjusted himself; eyes falling to the road ahead, and you nodded. Your fingers reaching out to pull the warm vents to you, your gaze also watching as the flecks of snow swirled in the air.

As December was your favorite season, in particular, Christmas, you'd been looking forward to spending it with Ace, but as things were, you were now stuck with Kid. Not that you minded in the least. Maybe a month ago, it would have bothered you, but now, you were happy you had at least some plans to get out of the house. Even if that meant putting up with the redhead.

Over the course of the next few days, you traveled to and from various biker bars. Hopping from motel to motel. Watching the sunrise in the east and fall to the west, the snowflakes fluttering down like a hurricane of white, and the golden hues of December painting the sky in red and orange and beauty, and a cold warmth that freed your encapsulated bones.

On the third night of your journey to New Jersey, you found yourself in front of a grocery store with Kid slyly pulling a ski mask over his face. Alarmed at this new revelation, you stirred in your spot. Lethargic eyes blinking open with exhaustion before you zeroed in on the frosty window of the dash, gaze blinking to consciousness when you spotted Killer typing something into his laptop. Within seconds of noticing your eyes on him, he looked to you; masked eyes unblinking as they took you in.

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