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Ace inspected the redhead before ambling up to him, his arms crossed as a show of dominance. Though he was a good bit shorter than the hot-blooded student, he was no less intimidating. Underestimating him would be a mistake, one often made by his past enemies who'd judged him based on his looks alone.

There was a low humming of students as they observed the confrontation happening in front of them. Some were joking about it while others were quietly watching. Of those students, a few had come up to get a closer look. It wasn't every day that two of Grand Line's most popular students confronted each other, especially not someone like Ace, who'd been regarded as one of the most charming students of the university. Kid, on the other hand, was known for his notoriety and his brash personality. There was no room for bullshit or backtalk with him, something Ace was quite known for.

That said, Kid's attention was grabbed by the approaching ravenette. Though his intentions were unclear as of yet, the redhead knew better than to disregard him so easily.

"What the fuck do you want." He demanded curtly, the ends of his lips curving into a deep frown as he looked down on the other.

He wasn't in the mood to be entertaining little prats at the moment. The only person he wanted to see was the girl who'd had the guts to throw a book at him. In fact, he'd been meaning to confront her for a good while now. She'd been nothing but a nuisance for the past year for him.

However, the ravenette wasn't going to let the other talk that brusquely to him that easily, so with a mocking bow, he exclaimed, "You requested for Ace. Here he is."

His attitude appeared carefree, almost indifferent, but Kid could tell that he was on his guard just by the way that his eyes were focused on the other and the way that his muscles were bunched up as if they were ready to attack at a moments notice.

'So, he's not some prissy boy...' He thought with a scoff as he demanded, "I'm not in the mood for fucking jokes. If you know where Ace is, you'll do fucking well to tell me."

"As I said the first time, I'm Ace." The ravenette's eyes narrowed on the larger student, attempting to gauge his intent. "You're that upperclassmen, Eustass Kid, aren't you?" He promptly extended his hand, only to have it swatted away by the other.

Disregarding his rude actions, Ace piped up again, "I've heard of you, but I don't believe we've met. Portgas D. Ace, at your service." The boy gave the redhead a teasing look, his lips quirking up to form a taunting grin as the redhead towered over the other student, his manic eyes wide and blazing in rage. And although he was quiet, his aura screamed homicidal intent.

"Apparently..." Kid started off quietly but was loud enough to reach the boy opposite to him. "Something gave you the idea that you could talk to me like that."

The moment Kid made eye contact with Ace's, his anger imploded within him. It was a hot, fiery mess that sent waves of rage coursing through him.

The fact that the other student had the audacity to clean his ear out while in the presence of him only added fuel to the flames. If it was his goal to make him angry, then he succeeded, because the red-head was this close to throwing the first punch.

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