The Favor

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The auto-shop was awfully quiet today, save for the occasional clank and the odd cough from the inside. And the sound of metal lightly bouncing off each other and the steady stream of music gave off a calm ambiance that the men could work too.

It was a calm October day, one Killer quite liked.

While Heat and Wire were in the corner discussing the latest order from a customer, planning on how they would go about fixing the car, the rest of the group was fooling around. They were casually smoking cigarettes as they watched the latest game on a small, beat-up television set, occasionally cheering when their favorite team scored a goal.

'A good day...' Killer thought as he exited his car and began his trek to the front of the shop.

He strolled into it, a box of beers in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Then, leaning against the entrance, he smiled as he watched his friend roll out from under a car.

"Killer?--the fuck?" Catching the blonde's gaze, the redhead scowled, tossing the wrench in his hand over to a tool pile before he grabbed a towel from a rack and began wiping away at the oil and grime on his hands.

"Chipping away at the anger under that car of yours?" Killer chuckled, tossing a beer to his friend as the other growled, "Fuck off."

The redhead then popped the top off with ease and chugged the beverage down, wiping the back of his mouth with his arm as another group of men sauntered in.

"Oh, Killer!" Heat, Wire, and Kid's other friends showed up, grabbing a drink from Killer before patting him on the back as thanks for the treat. Then, as they retreated back to their corners, the blonde refocused his attention on the redhead, nodding his head towards him.

"You still pissed off about the other day?" Killer placed the bag of beverages on the floor before sidling up to Kid, handing him a tool as the other slipped back under the vehicle.

"What do you think?" Wire chuckled, gesturing towards the redhead's deep scowl.

"I'd be surprised if he wasn't. I mean, this is Kid we're talking about--but, I hadn't expected that guy to return so quickly."

"You mean that one student, uhh, his name started with an A, didn't it?" Heat asked, grabbing a towel to swipe at the sweat collecting on his forehead.

"Ace, isn't it? I can't believe you thought Y/n was called Ace." Wire laughed.

"Shut the fuck up, Wire, before I beat the shit out of you." Kid leaned up from under the car and snarled at his friend before diving back down.

In surrender, the ravenette held his hands over his head before shrugging off his friend's threat.

This was a daily occurrence for them, so they weren't that affected by his words.

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