Cliffside Hangout (Pt. 1)

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Tapping the pencil against your cheek, you glanced out the window in boredom, not looking at anything in particular as the clock ticked loudly in the corner. Looking up at it again, you sighed when you realized only a minute had passed since you last checked it.

To say you were bored was an understatement...

After all, there wasn't much to look at in your economics class besides the other students roam around the campus grounds looking for their next classes.

Mrs. Morias, the econ teacher -- an odd woman with a niche for taking small inconspicuous sips of alcohol through her suspicious flask -- droned on and on about something you couldn't give two shits about. Why should you when this was just a general ed class; all it offered was a meager amount of credits to your transcript with nothing to add for your major.

"--that'll be all for today. I expect you to turn in your outline next week before the midterms, am I clear? I don't tolerate late work, nor do I extend deadlines." Professor Morias closed her textbook on the podium, snapping you out of your thoughts.

With no point in sitting any longer, you slung your bag over your shoulder and absentmindedly walked back to your dorm, your phone in hand as it buzzed incessantly -- no doubt from the person you least wanted to hear from right now.


Ace: Hey, hey, hey. ;)

Ace: On my way to un-virgin your olive oil.

Ace: You ready?

Y/n: Just about, did Nami give you our add?

Ace: Yup.

Y/n: So you're here?

Ace: Not just yet, once I finish up with this customer, I'll 'round by your place.

Ace: Shouldn't take more than thirty minutes.

Ace: That'll give you plenty of time to think about me while I'm gone. ;)

Y/n: :() Bold.

Ace: Why wouldn't I be? ;)

Y/n: I bet you're feeling real smug right about now, aren't you?

Ace: What's with the cold attitude, you're giving me the shivers.

Ace: Don't tell me you're still angry about the hair incident.

Ace: You're a big baby.

Y/n: Pfft, me angry over something like that? Far from it.

Y/n: And I'm not a big baby. >:(

Y/n: Now answer the question. >:)

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