Reality is often Disappointing...

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Kid's crude smile grew ever wider as he continued to watch you move through the various bodies like a snake in a field of reeds; wispy and quiet. And the way that you flitted through them like water in a stream somehow captivated him even more-- and that bloody smile and those eyes so full of life set something ablaze in him.

He knew he hadn't gone wrong when he first saw you all those years ago at Mihawk's manor. Call it fate, call it a coincidence, but he knew that seeing you again at Grand Line University had not been by dumb luck. You were meant to see each other again, whether you knew it or not.

But in the grand scheme of things, that didn't matter, not anymore--not when you were already in the grasp of his hand.

Grinning once more, he took out another three men with a shattered bottle of beer before he moved over to Killer, instructing him to keep the place busy as he took you out to the back.

And when the blonde nodded, he moved to the corner and spotted you kneeling by Luffy, a scowl on your face as you wiped at your cut lip, your eyes moving back down to look at the splotches of blood on your hands.

"Y/n!" Luffy screamed.

In your moment of distraction though, you failed to notice the flock of other men headed your way. However, when you looked over, wide-eyed and in fear, it was already too late. They were upon you like a pack of hungry wolves, their fists catapulting your way--until Kid rammed them through with a nearby table and knocked them out cold.

With a smirk, the redhead stared at you, "Sitting there, doing nothing isn't going to help you, Scooter." He then moved from the other end of the table before going over to wipe his hands on his sullied leather coat.

"I know," You patted down your coat, "I was just... I was just taking a breather, that's all."

He scoffed.


Without another word, Kid discarded the furniture and went over to pick you up by the scruff, lifting you up until you were secured over his shoulder before he turned back on Killer, giving him a knowing nod as he kicked down the back door and went through it.

"Hey!--" Shocked at this new development, you began pounding at his back, your eyes still fixed on Luffy as he took down the last remaining men with Wire by his side.

As relieved as you were that the fight was on its last legs, you were still concerned about Kid. Where was he taking you and what did he have in mind?

But before you even had a chance to ponder on it, he deposited you in a nearby alley as he leaned against a wall, his head hitting the back lightly before he went over to push back his slicked locks. With a laugh, he flicked some of the blood from his shirt, the liquid giving off a light 'splat' as it hit the wall nearby.

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