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"Killer, you take my right flank. Wire, take my left. Have Kirk and a few others stay on the lookout. I'm taking point. Objections?"


With a single swift motion, Kid kicked in the metallic back door to the warehouse and held his weapon to the nearest guard, taking him out with a single bullet -- cleanly and efficiently. Although it wasn't his preference to take out people like this, he was more inclined to see Apoo dead rather than waste his time dispatching people the usual way.

And thanks to the silencer screwed to the end of his handgun, naught a sound escaped, save for the thudding of the body as it hit the ground. Walking back to the next pair of crates, the redhead took out the remainder of Apoo's men with brute force, hitting them before they even had a chance to retaliate. The only sound audible being the screaming of the fallen and the dark chuckling of the redhead bathed in the blood of his victims as he slowly, but confidently walked to the end of the compound; eyes ablaze with bloodlust.

Looking back, Kid wasn't the type to plan anything. Not even an infiltration, but he'd been so caught up with hunting Apoo down, that now that he had him right where he wanted, he couldn't afford to fuck up.

It took Wire and Killer no more than five minutes to take out the other goons before they reconvened with Kid at the starting point, their bodies bloodied, and their faces grim as they looked to their leader; a malicious smile on his face, one contrasting the frowns on their own. And the blinking light splattered above with a red hue made him appear all the more sinister.

Breath hot on the serrated blade in his hand, Kid walked to the ends of the warehouse, wrenching open the barred door without a second thought to his safety before the light pooled into the dark crevices of the office. In the corner of the room was Apoo, his body bathed by the fluorescent light blinking overhead; a deathly pale visage on his face at the sight of the monster below; splattered red and black with the blood of his men.

"Well hello there, old friend," Kid leered menacingly, eyes flashing a bright gold, "Long time no see."

Kid crouched by the whimpering man before his eyes fell to the chained captives by the end of the office. Nodding towards Killer to release them then, he watched with bated breath as Izo, Thatch, and Haruto stood from their spots, wringing the bright red and puffy marks around their wrists as they glanced up to their rescuer. Clearly surprised by who it had been.

"Kid," Thatch's voice dropped a decibel, wary eyes narrowing on the redhead. "Why are you here?"

The redhead's brow only raised at his moronic question. "Why? Would you have preferred it if your little prince charming had come to save you instead?"

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