Mugiwara Hangout~ (Pt. 2)

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After making sure that you'd call him afterward, Ace was satisfied with leaving you with your friends, even if you were going to hang out with that lanky bastard for a while longer. He felt more or less secure knowing that he'd secured your word, which was far more than what that pasty weirdo could do. Knowing him, Ace had nothing to worry about.

So, for the next week, he'd been idly waiting for your call, but when it didn't come, he started to get worried. He knew his worries were irrational and a waste of his energy, but he couldn't help but start fretting when it involved you.

The ravenette shook out his sweaty bangs and scoffed, running a towel through the strands to get the remaining water out of them. "That idiot, she should know the consequences for breaking her promises..." He scoffed as he tossed his towel down in irritation.

As much as he loved to tease her, Ace knew that she loved to push his buttons as well, it was just a pattern that they had developed over the years. Sometimes, he commended her on her stubbornness and her tenacity to avoid him, but most of the time, it just really pained him.

His muscles roiled under his thin tank top as he lifted the barbell once more, his arms tensing from the intense workout. Ace flicked a droplet of sweat that had fallen into his eyes as he curled his biceps again, grunting quietly when they started cramping. A group of girls passed by him, their eyes glimmering in impressment at his impeccable physique and his better than average face, but before they could chat him up, the ravenette looked over their way and shot them a warning look. He was in no mood to entertain them, even if they were nice people.

Once they hurriedly left, he did another couple of sets of squats and pushups until he was finally exhausted. It seemed that Marco had also finished his last round with the dumbbells when he saw his friend scrolling idly on his phone, his cheek pressed against his hand as he donned a dazed expression. The blonde scrubbed at his locks with a towel as he made his way over to the ravenette, slinging an arm around his shoulder as he took a peek at the device in his hands.

"Expecting someone's call?"

Ace broke out of his daze when he heard his friend's voice and pocketed the device within his bag before responding. "Nah, just scrolling through the news. What's up? Are you ready to go?"

"Just about. Thatch just hopped in the shower right now so I came over to see how you were doing, but man, just when I thought things couldn't get worse, it did." The blonde clapped his hand down on the other's shoulder as he shot him a pitiful look. "You are tremendously whipped, bro. I mean, come on, Thatch is usually the one chasing girls, not you."

Ace shrugged off Marco's hand and stood up, stretching out his sore muscles before moving over to pack up his gear. Once he was finished putting his things away, he turned towards his friend and scowled at him, "Shut up, man. Sometimes, you say the stupidest shit." He slung the towel over his shoulder, "I'm going to go take a shower."

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