The Truth (Pt. 1)

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Amidst the various students loitering around and the teachers berating their TA's, there was one thing off about the whole thing.

Something that didn't fit the picture...

Monet then suddenly caught sight of the tail-end of someone's coat disappearing behind a door. It might not have looked like much, but it was clear to her that someone was following her.

So, she continued to play the oblivious student until she took a turn into one of the less crowded halls and once she deemed them far enough away, she switched gears and soon moved after him, trailing him to a secluded corner when she saw him slip into a hidden corridor.

Once she made it there, she slid into the alley and pressed the sharp end of her pen to his chest, the tip glinting near his carotid artery. Upon seeing his face though, she immediately lowered the weapon and donned on a scowl, the shock overpowering the anger she felt at his sudden intrusion.

"Law?" She gasped, "Are you following me?"

The male's silvery eyes glinted under the sun, completely calm despite the weapon to his throat until Monet felt the sharp prick of something against her hip.

When she looked down, she found a finger-sized dagger pressed directly into her waist, angled in a manner that would cause her the most damage if he felt threatened by her in any way.

With an even larger scowl, she lifted her weapon higher, still moody from the events that had occurred with Kid last night and the little fiasco with you back at the cafe.

"I'm not in the mood, Law," She growled out.

Now after what happened last night.

"You think I am?" He used the end of his blade to deflect the pen in her hand before he moved away, seemingly uncomfortable by her close proximity when he brushed off the end of the coat that you had given him, his hands moving a great deal to rid himself of every speck of the mint-head. "You know why I'm here and you know what I'm here for."

The mint-head calmly lowered her hand and stepped back before she leaned against the wall parallel to him, supporting her head on the cool bricks as she breathed out a heavy sigh.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

The male's eyes narrowed, the only indication she needed to know that his patience was wearing thin.

"Don't patronize me, Monet-ya."

Her smile only grew bigger.

Then, with a wink, she shrugged before she dropped the 'confused girl' facade and eased into a lazy smile, all the while twirling the pen between her knuckles.

"I was never one to play innocent anyways, but that aside..." Her golden eyes flicked up, "You're as cold as ever, aren't you, Traffy?"

Law's eyes darkened, "I didn't come here to make small talk."

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