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Some of the other members idled around their bikes, a few scrolling through their phones as they excitedly chattered about the upcoming Halloween party. However, their fun was short-lived when their leader lifted his hand; demanding their silence so that he could concentrate on what lied ahead.

There was this tingling feeling in his gut telling him that something was amiss. There weren't bells outright blaring in his head, but after years of experience in this field, he knew how to tell if something had been tampered with.

Having said that, he could tell that there was something different about his garage. It wasn't that anything was out of place, but Kid felt that something was wrong. His gut was telling him that someone had been here--and recently.

The redhead looked over to Killer before peering over to the rest of his gang, his hand flying up to give the nearest member an order before he whistled for someone to roll open the garage. When they did, he nodded to Heat and Wire to check it out, his brows set in a furrow as he looked down at the splotches of blood trailing the entrance of the shop.

Someone had definitely been here--someone who wasn't a part of his crew.

By the looks of the blood, it was recent. It hadn't had enough time to coagulate yet and it was a fresh red color, something he knew through years of experience living in the underworld.

But he didn't know who had come, that much was unknown to him. The only person he could think of was the gangsters of Doflamingo that had visited the other day. Other than them, no other person knew he used the garage as a front for his business. To say that was the least of his worries was an understatement, not only did he have to look after his gang, but he also had a big shot on his ass after what he pulled the last year.

With a hard look, he ducked under the sheet of metal covering his garage and made his way to the car. As soon as he flicked the lights on, the first thing he saw was the bloody head of a decapitated horse on the roof of a nearby car, along with a neatly folded note next to it.

Killer plucked the paper up and unfolded it.

"What's it say?" Heat asked worriedly, his brow creasing in anxiety as the other failed to respond to his question.

Kid wordlessly walked over to his friend's side and tore the paper from his hands.

It had but one sentence on it, signed with a name he knew by heart.

I have my eye on you now, Eustass Kid. Signed, Donquixote Doflamingo.

It wasn't a threat--no, it was far worse than one.

Doflamingo wasn't the type to outright say, 'You better watch you back'. No, no, he preferred using humor or twisted words to get his message through. It made things all the more terrifying, to say the least.

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