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The Perfect Start.

"Oh my GOD, get a room!" I screamed and picked up a pillow as I opened the door to my dorm, throwing it at Draco and Ruth who we're making out on her bed. Ruth was wearing a bra and her school skirt was still on, thank goodness. 

Ruth was my best friend, she was like me, we were both pureblood Slytherins, although I am sure I belong in Ravenclaw, and she's a year 6 too. Ruth is a beautiful, thin, blacked haired and dark eyed girl. She was perfect. Her boyfriend on the other hand was a platinum blonde asshole, but he was my friend, although I am still sure he's only friends with me because of Ruth. 

Ruth and Draco have been dating since last year, and things have been getting intense between them. But he made her happy and that is all that mattered. 

"Shit, Violet sorry I thought you wouldn't be back yet!" Ruth said back laughing while throwing her shirt back on. Draco stood up from the bed and kissed Ruth on the head then walked towards me. 

"Moresen, how lovely to see you" he teases with a smirk on his face. "I'll see you tomorrow babe." he says to Ruth and then heads out. 

"I really am sorry Violet!" Ruth says again. 

"Ruth I swear everything is ok! Next time just lock the door and I'll get the memo" I say winking at her making sure she felt better. Ruth was definitely the top tier when it came to our friend group. She was the beautiful and popular one, then Pansy who was beautiful as well, but a bit too stupid at moments, and then there was me. I was the regular golden haired and blue eyed girl who loved to study instead of anything else. Probably why I was also good friends with Hermione. But the three of us (Pansy, Ruth and I) all loved each other and were deemed to be the three most popular girls in Slytherin. 

Suddenly Pansy walks in the door laughing her ass off. 

"Pansy what on earth is so funny?" I asked.

"UMMM, Blaise and I..... kissed" She said and then giggled, covering her lips with her hands. 

"PANSY you DID NOT!" Ruth screamed. "I thought you didn't even like him anymore!" 

"Um I mean it kinda just happened but oh my GOD, he was so good." Pansy said back still laughing. 

"Pansy you are wild!" I said back joining the girls in laughing. 

Ruth, Pansy and I were the only ones who shared our dorm room which was the best thing. We shared so many laughs and cries and wild secrets. It was half past ten at night and I was tired from all the studying. We were only three weeks into Year 6 and Snape has already assigned three essays. I loved potions, but it was too much work. Draco and I were partners in that class, which is nice only because he isn't a pure asshole to me. 

"Ok girls light out!" I say as heading to turn the lights all off. 

"Violet, you're like our mom, I love it" Ruth said as Pansy agreed. 

I might've been the nerd of the friend group but I must admit, not having to worry about having a boyfriend to please is quite nice. Well, unless it was Cedric the 7th Year Hufflepuff. 

Oh, if only he liked me back. 

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