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New Chance.

My heart was broken after hearing rumors that Draco say he wasn't over Ruth. Ruth was the perfect, the ultimate girl but I was just a fucking joke to him. Everything he did was just to get closer to Ruth again. But why. Honestly fuck him. I was so over playing the good girl. Draco Malfoy doesn't just get to go around and break my heart when we were never even anything.


I spent the next week in school hanging out with Pansy and Blaise. I saw Ruth less and less. She was always with Cedric, I mean literally always there was never a break it was annoying, even Pansy admitted it was annoying.

I thought hanging with Blaise and Pansy was going to be weird but we have all been friends since year 1, and it felt nice to regroup again, even if it wasn't all of us.

"So did you guys hear? Blaise says catching our attention. "There is a transfer student from France coming in on Saturday." He says again.

"Slytherin?" I ask.

"Yeah and a year 6 as well. His name is Alec De something french I don't fucking know." Blaise said and began laughing. I joined him in laughing too. Probably just another guy.

"We are gonna have a bit of a small hangout up in my dorm Saturday night, get the new guy feeling comftorable, I assume I will see you ladies there?" Blaise says, and Pansy and I smile nodding our heads yes.

"Is he gonna room with you and Draco?" Pansy asks.

"Uh no, luckily Snape assigned him with Crabbe and Goyle."

"Aww poor guy" I say teasing.

"Who's poor?" suddenly I jump back as I hear Draco speak. "Shit, Moresen its only me no need to get scared." He said with a smirk. "You guys are talking about that French kid? He better not disappoint us." Draco spits out.

"Alright babe I gotta go to quidditch practice I will see you tomorrow" Blaise says as he kisses Pansy and she waved him goodbye. Draco and Blaise walk out.

"Do you think the new guy will be hot? I mean I went to France once and the guys there were beautiful Pan-" I say but soon get interrupted.

"Hey guys! Why are we talking about France?" Ruth says.

Suddenly Pansy stands up and walks away. What was that about?

"Whats her issue?" Ruth says.

I shrugged, "No clue to be honest, she was just fine." "Anyways, there's a new transfer student coming on Saturday, Blaise is having one of our infamous get togethers at night, bring Cedric." I say.

"I don't know Violet, that's not exactly Ced's type of outing" Ruth thinks aloud. "Plus Draco will be there and it's already awkward when him and Cedric look at each other I already feel tension."

"Well, bring him or don't, I feel like I've barely seen you, so please come." I say trying to convince Ruth of coming.

"Okay, fine. Fine. I will see if Cedrics is up for it."


The next day I got up and as I walked to The History of Magic, I bumped into Draco unexpectedly.

"Moresen, watch where your going." he said.

Fuck you too.

"Sorry." I say back instead.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about the French boy huh?" He teases, clearly trying to get under my skin.

And it worked.

"Don't you have some stalking to do? Go follow Ruth. Oh wait, she is probably getting fucked by her boyfriend. But wait, Draco Malfoy always gets what he wan-" I started to say but suddenly feel Draco cover my mouth with his hand.

"Shut it Moresen, you have no idea who you're messing with." Draco threatens and then takes his hand off my mouth.

What is his issue.

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