T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Pills and Heartbreak.

I crept into my room, making sure Ruth was still asleep. Luckily she was. I walked in tiptoeing towards my bed with the biggest smile ever.

I don't know whats going on, if this is even real, if I am back in reality or still relaxing in paradise. But I liked this feeling. I was his, and his only. And he was mine, and mine only.

And that's when the thought clouded my head.

I never had a boyfriend before, but I also know myself, and I know I would never cheat. But I know Draco. He might, and I shouldn't be surprised if he does. I mean, he was loyal to Ruth, maybe he'd be loyal to me.

But at the same time, it was weird. He asked me out rather quickly, and I understand we have to keep it hidden because of Ruth and probably other reasons but, something just felt weird and way too quick on it. But for now I just need sleep.

I laid down and my smile appeared back on my face. No matter how much I may be questioning it..

I finally got him.


I woke up the next morning, and I stretched in satisfaction. I haven't slept that good in forever. Ruth was slowly waking up as soon as she hard my yawn.

"Shit Violet, your yawn can wake up a whole village miles away from here" she snarled at me.

"My bad Roo" I said as I yawned again.

"Hey I'm gonna hop in the shower, I am seeing Cedric later so I need to look good. I'll meet you down at breakfast?" She asked and I agreed.

As Ruth hopped in the shower I changed my clothes. As I took off my sweatshirt I removed the bag of pills and hid them in my bed side table. Hopefully no one ends up finding those.

I changed to a fresh sweatshirt, fresh sweats, and brushed my hair down and left it like that.

I headed down to breakfast, as I turned the corner I saw Alec. He was leaning against the wall talking to Astoria.

Of course her, every new guy always, and always will throw themselves at her, until they see she's really just going to use them. Oh well.

"I'll catch you later Astoria, hey Violet wait up!" Alec calls behind me as I turn and smile, feeling quite confused.

"Hey Alec is everything alright?" I asked.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday," he began to say as I shook my head.

"No, no don't apologize. I am so sorry Alec." I said, and I truly did mean it, I felt like an ass.

"No, don't be. We weren't together, and that's my fault. I guess someone else got you first. He's lucky, I just hope he treats you right" Alec says which causes me to blush. "Oh and don't worry, your relationship is a secret, I wont tell anyone I promise." he says as he holds up his pinky.

I laugh and then pinky promise with him. This truly made me feel 100 times better.

Alec really is a good guy.


I walked into the dining hall and sat down next to Crabbe, across from me was Draco and Goyle.

"Morning Princess, sleep well?" Draco asked, as Crabbe and Goyle focused on devouring their food.

"Very good, actually, and you?" I asked.

"Good, wish you stayed the night though. Why were you late to breakfast." He asked.

I looked at him with a confused expression, and laughed. But he was being serious.

"Oh you're being serious?" I asked, confused. Draco was my boyfriend not my father. "I was on my way here when Alec stopped me and apologized for the way he reacted. He said he won't tell anyone-"

Draco clenched his fists and began to look angry.

"You talked to him?" He asked. "Why."

"Draco, it really is not a big deal, everything is alright. I am yours ok." I said, and once I reassured him, he calmed down.

Wow, Ruth never said Draco was like this with her, I guess he has really changed a lot. It was too much for me though, he was being overdramatic and way too overprotective. But I can't change him.

At least he cares.


As I finished my breakfast and wiped my mouth clean Crabbe started to talk.

"Hey Violet we are having a snowball fight, want join us later?" He asked.

"Against who?" I asked, but I already knew the answer once Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe began to laugh hard. "Please don't tell me you are going to surprise attack the other house members" I said as I looked at Draco.

"You are free to join us, we will be at the front courtyard in an hour darling." Draco said as stood up with his other two boys.

"Okay maybe, I just have to change." I said laughing as the boys left, Draco's eyes never leaving me until he left the area.

I headed up to the Slytherin Common room as I decided I wanted to go spend the day with they boys, I mean I truly had nothing better to do, and come to think about it, it's a sneaky way of spending some extra time with Draco.

As I walked up the stairs from the commons, I opened the dorm room as I saw Ruth on the floor sobbing.

"Ruth oh my god what happened?!" I yelled as I shut the door and ran to her.

"I-it's Cedric. H-he broke u-up with m-me." she said as she wept on me.

Not this shit again.

"What happened? Why would he do that?"

"I t-told him about h-how I thought I-I was pregnant and he got m-mad that I didn't t-tell him when I f-first thought I was." she said as she sobbed some more.

What kind of fucking reason is that to break up with someone?

"Ruth-" I said, but then I stopped my self as I realized she'd probably get mad if I told her that's a dumb reason. "Baby I am so sorry." I said, trying my best to comfort her.

"Violet, I love him I mean I really do. He said he thinks she should spend time away from each other," she said, and then sat up wiping her tears. She did not look great.

"Its fine, come with me outside. The boys are having a snowball fight. We can invite Alec to join us too." I said as she hugged me and nodded yes.

"Thank you Violet."

It's what friends are for. Right?

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