T W E N T Y - T W O

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The Guests.

It was Saturday and I was packing for the holidays. Draco already left last night, probably because he was too upset from our convo, but whatever. Alec left this morning, he came by to say goodbye. Pansy and Blaise were going to the Parkinson's for Christmas, and Ruth was going to her families and then to Cedric's for the last 3 days.

I was done packing and the girls and I all headed down.

"Hey Violet!" I heard my name being called by my to favorite twins.

"Freddy! Oh and George!" I say hugging them.

"We wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas" Fred said and George agreed.

"Aw you guys, merry Christmas to you too" I say back hugging them once more before I headed out. Seemed like the Weasleys, Potter and Granger were staying here once more.


After we arrived at King Cross Station the girls and I all said our "see you later" and "happy holidays" and then we parted our way. I walked out and I saw my mum standing. I ran and hugged her as she took me into a deep embrace. She smelled of honey and lavender. She was perfect.

"Mum oh I have missed you so so much." I say, so happily.

"I have missed you even more, you are so beautiful Violet. Look at my baby girl growing up so fast" she said pulling out of the hug.

We went into an alley and then aparated back to our home.

The Moresen Manor.

I walked in and immediately ran to my brother Daniel and he screamed hugging me back. I missed him so much and by the tightness of his hug, I could tell he missed me too.

"Where is dad?" I asked my mom, as she came to give me another embrace.

"Actually that is what I would like to talk to you about." my mother said back.

I looked at her with a confused look on my face. "What is it mum?" I ask eagerly.

"Your father is at his new business partners house. We are actually heading out there soon, we are invited to stay at their home for the week!" My mum said, and by the look on her face I could tell she was very happy about this.

But the thing was, where exactly are we going.

"Mum, who's house are we staying at?" I asked, feeling a bit nervous.

"The Malfoy's dear." she said.

My heart sank.

Fuck me

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