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The Big Fight.

I spent my hours after school in the library completing my homework. I headed off to dinner after sitting with Pansy and Ruth. 

"Hey Violet thanks for giving Draco and I the room for tonight-" she says and then stops as Draco sits next to her. He kisses her forehead and greets her. I never understood how he was such bully but such a softie when it came to her. 

" Moresen here bumped into her boyfriend today" Draco suddenly says making me look up and get red again. 

"He isn't my boyfriend. And I accidentally ran into him" I say and then I stand up. I wasn't hungry anymore. I just wanted to go to my room, but oh wait. I couldn't. 

"Violet-" Ruth says looking up, she felt bad and Pansy looked the same. They knew how much I liked Cedric but I didn't like being taunted about it.

"I'm fine. I will see you at 10 tonight. See ya." I say and I leave the dining hall. Draco's face that had an evil smirk on it suddenly vanished as he realized I was actually hurt. 



I spent the next hour and a half in the library before being told its closing time. I then headed to the Slytherin common room. It was 9 but I was told not to enter until 10. I opened a book I checked out from the library and began reading it.

I slowly began to dose off when I heard screaming. I looked up and saw Draco walking out of my dorm slamming the door. Uh oh. I don't think he noticed I was there. He opened the door to his dorm room and yelled at Pansy to leave. Pansy looked down and saw me. I rushed up the stairs and met her. 

"What happened?" Pansy asked.

"I think they got in a fight I heard them screaming at each other." I say back. We both look at each other and then open our dorm room door. 

"Ruth?" I say. I heard sniffles and cries in the bathroom. Pansy and I walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. Ruth was on the ground crying. 

"Ruth what happened?" Pansy asked. I sat on the ground beside the teary girl and patted her shoulder.

"Draco got mad cause I was talking about I saw him talking to another girl and he accused me of not trusting him. He got mad the instant I asked and I didn't mean to cause harm I just wanted to know." She cried. 

"Why'd he get so mad though, you deserve to know." Pansy says. 

"Who was the girl Roo?" I asked. 

"Astoria Green slut grass" she says and then sobbed into her knees. 

Astoria Greengrass was a year 6 like us, she was from Paris and a Slytherin pureblood. She was harmless though. She was very quiet and always minded her own business. But Ruth was always insecure when it came to her. Astoria and Draco had a few classes together and he was relatively nice to her which was strange because he's mean to everyone outside our friend group. But I told Ruth there was nothing to worry about. Plus Astoria has a thing with Flint, the Slytherins quidditch seeker. 

"Ruth its ok. He will hopefully calm down the next day. Don't stress." I say trying to calm her down. 

"Plus she's a slut, so like you're more than her" Pansy says stupidly.

Ruth finally ends up calming down. As she takes a shower I realize that Malfoy bag is in the room still. I tell Pansy Im going to return it and she barely hears me being half asleep already. I head out and I knock on Dracos room. He shares his room with Blaise.

The door whips open and Dracos pissed off face pops up.

"The hell do you want?" He says angrily.

"Um you left your bag I just wanted to give it to you." I say, a bit scared I think Draco even realizes which causes him to calm down.

"Is she alright?" He asks.

"She will be. She's too hard on herself, but she will be ok" I say trying to make him feel a bit better. 

"Shit, I didn't mean to blow up I just hate how insecure she gets,  Whatever. Thanks for bringing my bag, Moresen." He says and the shuts the door. I head back to my dorm and change into my Pjs. I decide to just take a shower tomorrow morning since Ruth has been in there crying for a while now. 

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