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A Broken Girl.

For the rest of class I focused on anything but Draco, although I could still see him staring at me. 

The bell rang and Snape dismissed us all. I grabbed my bag and as I stood up I felt a cold hand touch my arm causing me to fall back down. 

"Ow what the hell Draco." I say, he was actually hurting me. 

"Tell your friend Ruth to come to my room before dinner. I wanna talk to her." He says and then stands up and leaves. I sat in my chair for a while very confused on what he wants to talk to her about. I know him, and I know he isn't going to be apologizing. 

As I stood up to walk to tell Ruth what Draco said, but the Weasley twins stopped me. 

I loved them. They were like my older brothers, but I know they liked me. 

"Heyyyy Violet how's your day been?" Fred asks smiling and then George pushes him to the side. 

"So we wanted to give you this" George says, he pulls out a box filled with chocolate candy, lots of it. "The trick is, each chocolate makes you happy. So don't eat too much or, yeah it'll go bad. 

"You guys, I love you! This is awesome!" I said as I accepted their chocolates and hugged them both. 


After that I made way through to my dorm. Ruth was sitting on her bed reading a book. 

"Hey Violet so did Draco like say anything about me or something?" Ruth asked urgently jumping out of bed running to me. 

"Um yes actually, I have no clue what he wants to talk about but he told me to tell you to meet him at his dorm before dinner." I say and Ruth screams, I'm sure people in Canada could hear her. 

"Oh my GODD yes oh thank god. I need to shower and look pretty for him." she said while dressing down and hopping in the shower. I was happy for her but a bit worried. I hope Draco wont do anything stupid to her. 


It was dinnertime and as I left my dorm, Ruth also left to meet with Draco. I walked down and bumped into Ron, Hermione, and Harry and we talked for a bit. Then we were called to sit and I sat next to Pansy.

"Ruth still isn't back?" I asked Pansy, she nodded her head no. Hmm interesting. 

After 25 minutes of dinner Draco finally came in. He was clearly upset. 

"Um where's-" I started but was interrupted. 

"Shut the hell up Moresen no one was talking to you!" Draco shouts at me, causing a couple of heads to turn on me. I got up and left, Pansy following me as she scoffed at Draco. What a dick. 


Pansy and I hurried to our dorm and when we opened the door we saw Ruth laying on the bed, crying. 

"Roo oh my god, what happened?!" I asked and ran to her, Pansy behind me. 

"Draco broke up with me" she says. 

Oh no. 

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