T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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Back To Normal, Well For The Most Part.

Things were finally getting back to normal. Draco had breakfast, then he would continue to work on the vanishing cabinet, I would bring him lunch, we would sneak a takeout session here and there. After school, Snape would bring his assignments, and I would come after to sit with him as he worked on his homework and the cabinet. I could tell why he was so tired always. His hands were always full. Once it reached dinner time, we would head down and eat, then finish the remainder of our homework in my dorm and sleep together. We continued this for about 2 weeks, and it was working really well for us, so far.

Every time someone would as why Draco comes to eat, but is never at school, we'd both glare at them and yell, "Oi! Mind your own business!"


It was Friday night.

Draco and I were in the Room of Requirement for about 4 hours now, we were both stuffed from the lunch I ended up sneaking, so we skipped dinner.

I was relaxing on the couch as I watched Draco focusing on the cabinet. The same incantation spell, over and over again.

"Draco it is late, let's go sleep." I said slowly standing up.

"Just one more hour Violet."

"Draco, no you have done so much today, you deserve break."

"I will take a break tomorrow," he states, now getting pissed off.

"Come on!" I complain, which seems ti be the last straw for Draco. He turns around and pushes mean the couch. His large body hovers over me as he kisses my lips.

"I guess you forgot who gives the orders in the relationship." He spats as he begins to unbutton my shirt, taking it off, revealing my white pushup bra. "Oh I've been craving you, princess." He says as he connects out lips together once more.

I find my arms on his abs as I run through them, then begin to unbutton his shirt, but he pushes my hands away.

"No Violet, I don't want you to see-"

"Draco, look at me. I don't care about the mark. Please just trust me."

I touched Draco's warm body again, my fingers finding the last button and slowly taking his shirt off, exposing his figure, and his dark mark. But I don't look at it. Instead I look into his eyes.

Draco stands up as he begins to take his pants off. My legs find control once more, and I find myself standing up.

"Sit down." I order pushing Draco down onto the couch.

He smirks.

I bend down on my knees, my mouth salivating as I look at his large erected dick. I begin to jerk it, my eyes staring into Draco's, as he bites his lips and lifts his head up in pleasure, as I begin to suck him. My tongue makes circles on his tip, which makes him shiver in pleasure. I put it all in my mouth as I hear Draco let out a moan, signaling his pleasure as his hand reaches for my hair, and he begins to throat fuck me. I gag and my eyes get all watery as I put it all in my mouth, over and over again.

"Come here, princess." Draco says, and I obey.

I stand up and lean down to kiss him. I turn around so my ass is Draco's new view and I bend down, and slip off my underwear.

"Oh my fucking god." he moans out.

I turn back around so I am facing Draco. I unclip my bra and then walk to him closer. I put one knee on the side of Dracos leg, the other knee on the other side of Draco's other leg. I touch his dick as I place it into my hole and I begin to ride him. I moan in both pleasure and pain as my body takes all of Draco within seconds. My arms are wrapped around Draco's neck as I tilt my head back and let out loud moans of pleasure as I feel Draco place many kisses all on my neck and chest.

I scoot forward and back, up and back down, mixing up movements as I Draco begins to bounce me up and down himself, as he smiles at the sight of my mouth opening to release even more moans due to pleasure.

"Draco.. fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum." I said, which causes Draco to bounce me even faster.

"Cum for me Moresen, you dirty little-"

"AH, Oh my godddddd." I lets out a scream and a moan as I reach my high, cumming all over Draco, who seconds after cums in me too.

We both breathe rapidly, as we try to catch out breaths.

"Holy fuck Violet, you really are too good for me."

I kiss Draco. "Ew you're sweaty." I say teasing him.

"So are you." he says laughing back.

As out heartbeats slow, back to where they should be, we get dressed and walk back to the Slytherin common room, holding hands.



"Why do you think I am too good for you?" I ask.

"Because you are good. You do everything right, and you always have the best interest at heart, for well, everyone." He answers back. "You are just a really perfect person."

"You're perfect to me Draco." I say which causes him to stop. "What is it?"

"Let me take you out on a date. Tomorrow?" He asks as we continue to walk through the hallways.

"I would love to."

I think I love him.

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