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We Meet Again.

I tossed and turned most of the night. I was completely lost in what just happened with Draco. I mean, he ate me out. But why did I not say anything? Why did I like it?

No, no, no stop it Violet.

I woke up the next morning, and the girls weren't back yet.

It was Sunday, and Ruth, Pansy and I made plans last week to go out with the guys to Hogsmeade. But not sure if that's to happen anymore.

I woke up and pulled my hair to a high ponytail, I put on my Slytherin sweatshirt and then my leggings. I threw on some fur boots, it has started to get colder now.

As I walked out to head to breakfast, I locked the door and walked down the stairs. Draco was not there, but Alec was, with Goyle and Crabbe.

"Hey lads, good morning." I say.

"Morning, Violet" Alec says back as Goyle yawns and stands and Crabbe smiles at me.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"Draco is sleeping in his dorm, Blaise and Pansy left like 5 minutes ago to Hogsmeade."

Nice, Pansy.

"I thought we were going together." I said sadly.

"Hey it's okay, we can all go together. I have been to Hogsmeade when I was younger, do they still have The Three Broomsticks? I could definitely go for a butter beer" Alec says, and a smile immediately formed on my face.

Something about him just, made me feel warm.

The four of us headed off to the dining hall for breakfast. Crabbe and Goyle were ahead of Alec and I.

"So, I want to apologize for last night. I left out of the blue and you were stuck with everyone who was drunk and gone out of their minds." I say laughing.

Alec has his hands in his pockets of his black sweats and had a blue sweatshirt on. He smiled.

"I must admit, I was bummed when you left, you're fun to be around." he said, which made me blush a bit.

We walked into the dining hall together. The smell of eggs, butter, bacon and sausages filled my nose. Yum. We sat down next to each other and we talked about Alec's other Wizarding school in France.

As we talked I heard a familiar giggle behind me. Ruth.

"Hey lads and Violet" she said sitting next to me hugging me.

"Violet I miss you, we haven't spent a lot of time lately, Im sorry that's my fault" she said.

Yeah it was..

"Its all good, no worries. How was your night with Cedric?" I asked, moving on.

Ruth talked about how magical and fun her night was. As she talked about her night, I pondered off to think about my night with Draco. Or whatever the hell that was.

"Sooo, are we still going to Hogsmeade later? Cedric is busy and I was looking forward to it." she said.

I smiled, "yes, and Alec will be going as well"

"Perfect! Where's my ex and the other one of us" Ruth said referring to Pansy and Draco.

"Pansy and Blaise are already at Hogsmeade, and Draco is still sleeping I guess, I don't know" I said.

Suddenly someone sat right across from me. I saw from my side view that it was Draco.


"Talking about me Moresen?" He said teasing.

"Ugh, Malfoy leave her alone." Ruth says back.

"Aw, Diggory must've ran for it, smart man." Draco says back trying to piss Ruth off. And it was working.

"Fuck you Malfoy. See y'all later." Ruth says as she gets up and leaves.

"Draco you don't have to be an ass to her." I said which caught his attention. His cold blue-grey eyes looked into my eyes.

"Was I fucking talking to you?" he questioned.

I looked down in embarrassment. He is such an asshole. He calls me his princess, performs oral sex on me, kisses me, yet has to be an ass to me? Yeah, no. How can I find him so perfect, but so fucking horrible at the same time.

"Hey, wanna get out of here?" Alec says as he see's I feel a bit uncomfortable.

Abso-fucking-lutely yes, please.

"Yeah, lets go" I say. As I stand I look at Malfoy. His eyes are on me, his hands clenched in anger, his forehead vein slowly becoming even more noticeable.

And then I remembered what he said last night. "If Alec touches you, I will hurt him." Try to hurt him Malfoy, and I will never speak to you again.


Alec and I walked back to the Slytherin common room and we sat on the couch for a bit. We were close, but not too close for anything to possibly happen.

"So, I am gonna go get ready for Hogsmeade, we should all be meeting in my dorm at around noon, I will see you then" I say smiling as Alec raises a hand and waves me. I can feel him watching me walk up the stairs.

I suddenly feel a hand on my wrist pull me. It was Draco's cold hand.

"Ow what the hell let me go!" I yell.

Draco stops and pushes me against the stone wall. His hand is on my neck, our hips touching. He breathes heavily as I can barely breathe due to him choking me. He then stops and my breathing slowly becomes regular again.

"What the fuck you psycho." I say coughing.

"Fuck, did I hurt you? Are you okay?" He asked. I lookout him and narrow my eyes.

"You fucking choked me, no I am NOT okay." I said as my eyes slowly teared up. "Why did you hurt me?"

"I saw you and him, and I just I-" Draco starts and then pushes away from me.

"You just what Draco?" I say interrupting him. He slams up close to me. His face no more than a few inches from mine.

"I don't like when other boys are next to you." He says angrily.

"Do you like me?" I blurt out. Draco then suddenly steps away from me and laughs.

"Of course not. Why would I ever like you?" he says laughing.

I rolled my eyes, I was both in pain and confused as hell. I rushed off the wall and started walking to my dorm. I felt his hand pull wrist and he managed to pull my body to his. And he smushed our lips together. He kissed me again. And for some reason, I kept it going. I kissed him back. I couldn't resist it, no matter how badly he hurt me. I knew in that moment Draco liked me too.

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