T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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"M-mum-.. the M-Malfoys? We are staying at the Malfoy's?!" I said, my voice becoming high pitched.

"Yes, Lucius offered us to come and stay, and your father agreed. Narcissa and I have bonded quite well once we met, plus I know you and Draco are friends dear." she says. "Would you like to take a shower before we end up leaving?" she asks.

"Uh yes, please. Give me an hour" I say and I run up the stairs. I am nervous, but at the same time I am also quite excited. I don't know if Draco will talk to me, since we did end up on the wrong page last time we saw each other.

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair, washed my body, and most importantly, I shaved everywhere. It was just a precaution, incase, something happened..

Once I got out of the shower, I dried my hair putting it into a high ponytail, I did my makeup, and I got dressed. I put on my hot pink bra and wore a matching thong to it. I threw on jeans and then a sweater. I headed down after.

"Ah my beautiful daughter, ready to go?" My mum asked as she was putting her own coat on and helping my brother with his.

I nodded yes.

We all aparated into the front yard of the Malfoy Manor and as we got closer, I began to get a bit more nervous.

I remember coming here once in year 4, but that was with Blaise, Pansy and Ruth. Now I am alone, and after all that Draco has done with me, I am definitely about to shit myself.

My mother knocked on the door and Narcissa opened it. Narcissa Malfoy was absolutely beautiful. She greeted my mum and Daniel with warm hugs and kisses on the cheeks. She then laid her eyes upon me.

"Oh! Violet, you look absolutely stunning, wow darling you have grown so much since I last saw you in year 4! Come here!" Narcissa pulled me into a tight hug. She smelled like expensive perfume.

Narcissa pulled me into the Manor and then closed the door as we all stood in taking our coats off.

"Violet?" I heard a voice call out from the living room. And in walked my father. I ran to him hugging him. He said he missed me so much and was so glad I could join them.

"Come join us Violet" my father said as he grabbed my arm and we walked into the elegant dining room. And there he was.

Draco. He was sitting on the left side as his father was sitting on the end of the table.

"Violet! So great to see you!" Lucius said as he came to greet me.

As Lucius moved out of the way I saw Draco was sitting looking at me. On his face, he had a plastered evil grin.

He was enjoying this.

"We saved you a sat next to Draco, you two are school friends and we thought it would be nice." Narcissa said as she rubbed my back.

"Yes Violet please come join, I don't bite." Draco then said, laughing.

Oh Malfoy, if only they knew.

We had dinner and Draco actually didn't bother me at all.

Draco and his father had a love-hate relationship. Lucius was abusive at times, but he also loved Draco for the most part. As long as Draco obeyed and made his father proud, then they were okay. Narcissa on the other hand, absolutely adored Draco. He was her prized possession. It was heart-warming knowing Draco did have someone who absolutely loved him, but he definitely has his fathers worst traits in him.

After dinner Narcissa cleaned up as Lucius showed my parents their room they would be staying in, Daniel is also staying with them. He's too afraid to sleep on his own still.

"Draco why don't you show Violet her room?" Narcissa asked as she picks up the plates.

Oh great.

"Certainly, mother." Draco said rising from his seat holding his hand out so I reached for it.

He led me up the stairs to a door. I was about 4 feet behind him, just in case, yanno.

He stops at a door at the end of the hallway.

"This is your room, princess" he says and opens the door.

I walk in and suddenly I feel a strong force push me onto my bed. I hear the door slam shut and suddenly Draco pins me down on the bed, I am completely unable to move.

"Draco w-what-"

"Shut it Moresen. You think you can just go on a date and think I will be okay with it huh?" he barks at me.

"Draco but w-we aren't together" I say which seems to fume him off even more.

Draco then comes right into my ear and whispers. I can feel his warm minty fresh breath hit my neck as he spoke, "you are mine Violet. Not anyone else's. Not Alec's especially. Do you understand? "

I looked at his grey blue cold eyes.

"I said, do you understand" he repeats himself.

"I d-do." I respond back.

Truth was, I liked being Draco's, or whatever I was to him. But I felt guilty, I liked Alec too, and he did too, I think. But I couldn't stop myself with Draco, I just wanted him so badly. Something about him.

I leaned in and kissed Draco, and by my surprise, he allowed me to. He kissed me back but quickly went to my neck. He sucked on my neck, and I was sure he was leaving marks.

He then traveled down to my stomach and lifted my sweater. With his grip on my sweater he forced my upper body to rise and he caught me from falling back with his arms. I lifted my arms as he took my shirt off completely, I then saw his eyes shift to my pink lace bra. He smiled.

"You like?" I teased as I bit my lip.

He then pushed me back down on the bed. and I felt his hands unzip and unbutton my jeans and his arms aggressively pulled the tough, thick material down.

"Matching huh?" he says as I feel him take off my underwear.

I didn't quite understand why I was so vulnerable towards Draco. I have never opened my legs up for a guy, but with Draco, I did it immediately. Why. What made him different?

"Draco-" I start to say but I see his face go down and feel his tongue start licking my bottom lips down there. A moan escaped my mouth right away, and Draco's tongue went stir crazy. The feeling was better than ever before. I placed my hands on his hair and I pulled. I lifted my head up just a bit to gaze over and watch him as he went. He looked into my eyes, but didn't stop eating me out.

Oh the butterflies in my stomach right now.

He then started kissing my body slowly. From my thighs, to my pelvis, to my stomach and then my breasts. He stayed there for a bit, as he licked my nipples and then finally went up back to my lips.

And then, Draco stood up and started to take off his belt. And that's when I realized what he was going to probably to do.

"No Draco I-" I said and then began to sit up and I grabbed the pillow behind me placing it in front of my naked body. "I am not ready for that yet." I state, looking down. I was embarrassed.

"Fucking hell. You think this is some game? You let me go down on you but I can't even fuck you? You are a slut, Moresen" he snarled. "I mean look at you, pathetic." He walked out slamming the door behind him.

That shit really hurt.

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