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Victory, But Not For All.

It was Saturday afternoon. The Slytherin VS Hufflepuff game was starting soon. Ruth, Pansy and I all got ready together and headed out to the Quidditch Game Field.

Draco has been on my mind endlessly. He was the only person I could think about. Sadly, he and Crabbe switched spots in Potions. I didn't understand why Draco was avoiding me. I never did anything to him.

But I decided that today I had to tell him. I had to tell Draco that I liked him.


Pansy and I walked to the quidditch field and then walked up to find a seat. We saved Ruth one beside us, she was with Cedric before the big game. We waited about 15 minutes and then she finally came up.

"Pre-game fuck?" Pansy said teasingly.

"Hahaha, noooooo" Ruth smiled back.


The game started and we all stood up. There was Draco, looking handsome as always. I was excited for this game and sorry to Ruth but I really hope they break Hufflepuffs hearts.

The game had started and all the players had shot up into the sky. I looked around and my eye finally caught Draco after losing him. He was very focused on the snitch, but also on Cedric who was the other teams seeker.

After a good 30 minutes the snitch was still not caught. The score was 130-80 in favor of the Hufflepuffs. I could sense that Draco was getting frustrated. Everyone wanted the game to be over. Suddenly a sound came buzzing next to my ear.

"THE SNITCH IS NEXT TO VIOLET, THE SNITCH IS NEXT TO VIOLET!!!!!!" Crabbe began to yell. I suddenly ducked and so did everyone else around me as Draco and Cedric came rushing past me after the snitch.

The boys both flew around the field about three full times when they suddenly shot up into the air. They were gone there for about 4 long minutes. Everyone was silent among the crowd.

I hope Draco is okay.

Then suddenly piercing through the clouds and into visibility Draco came down screaming and the golden snitch laid upon his hand.

"Slytherin WINS!" Dean announced and the whole Slytherin crowd goes wild.

"Oh no Cedric is going to be upset" Ruth whined, I rolled my eyes as she ran down to the field so she can go and kiss his ass.

"Pansy oh my god they WON! Blaise did it!" I yell jumping up and down with Pansy.

Draco did it. He won the game.


After the game there was a huge celebration in the Slytherin common room. I decided since Ruth was probably with Cedric and not gonna be back for a while. I approached Draco as he was talking to Pucey, the Quidditch captain for Slytherin.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and followed me as I walked.

"Make it quick" he said, which made me a bit pissed off.

"Draco, you were right. I like you. And I shouldn't because of Ruth but I like you Draco." I blurt out. And then my stomach falls as I see him laugh.

"Really? You're so pathetic. I gave you the chance but you're so worried about Ruths feelings. I got girls who are lining up to be with me, I am their first choice. Not their last." He says and then looks me dead in the eye.

"Just letting you know Moresen, I'll never want you." He says and then walks away.

I turn around, full of embarrassment and my eyes start to water. I run up the stairs into my dorm room and locked myself in the bathroom. I fell to the ground and I brought my knees to the ground and began to cry. Of course he doesn't. No one ever wants me.

Fuck you Draco Malfoy.

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