T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Together in Secret.

"Shit!" I say as I turn around but I feel Draco grab my wrist.

"What are you doing, you like either him or me." He snarls at me looking angry, but I honestly didn't care.

"You knew he was there didn't you. DO you even like me or was that just to put on a show?" I asked, clearly pissed.

"No, where are you going Violet?" he asks as he grips tighter onto my wrist.

"I am going to Alec to explain this. Stop being so fucking insecure Draco!" I yell as I manage to pull out of his grip.

I run after Alec fast enough to stop him.

"Alec please wait, I can explain."

"You and Malfoy? You let him touch you days after we had a date and kisses?" he said. He was clearly hurt, and I dint blame him. I felt horrible.

"Alec, Malfoy and I have known each other for a long time, he's just always been in my life and I-" I say but Alec soon interrupts me.

"Did you mean it?" he asks.

"Mean what?"

"Did you really mean it when he asked you if you like him?"

There was a silence emitted between us.

"Y-yes." I said. I saw Alec's head sink low. "Please I am sorry Alec. I really am. But please just don't tell anyone. Please." I say, praying Ruth would be the last one to ever know.

"Okay, fine." He says and turns around. He walks away, as I stand there sulking. After about 5 minutes of standing I headed back to my dorm room. There Draco was sitting on my bed.

I walked in and rolled my eyes. I then shut the door and walked next to Draco.

"What did you tell him. Did you tell him you like him?" He asked, stupidly.

"Draco are you fucking serious. I just told you I like you and you think I told another guy that? Are you actually-"

"Don't finish that sentence. Careful, Moresen. I will have to punish you if you think you can freely speak to me like that." He says walking towards me.

"Draco." I say but he puts his finger to my mouth, signaling for me to stay silent.

"I meant what I said, Princess." He says, and it causes my heart to beat faster.

Draco really did like me.

He then began to kiss my neck, sucking to leave marks, but I pulled him away.

"What is it?" he asked annoyingly.

"Ruth will be here at anytime, we can't do this here" I say as a smirk forms on his face. "What?"

"Blaise isn't back till tomorrow. Meet me in my dorm tonight. I will be waiting." He says as he puts a wet kiss on my forehead and heads out. "Oh and wear the hot pink lace set." he winks and then disappears.

Why am I blushing right now.

Guhhhh, Malfoy the things you do to me.


Ruth came back about an hour ago, and she said she was hanging out with Crabbe and Goyle at Hogsmeade, I don't know why she was with him, but as long as she didnt witness what Alec witnessed today it was all okay.

Fuck, poor Alec. I really hope he doesn't tell anyone though.


It was half past 10, and luckily Ruth passed out. I nudged her a bit to see if she would wake up, but luckily, she was sound asleep. I went to my drawer, changed into my pink lace set, through sweats and a sweater on, and then headed to Draco's.

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