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His Uniform.

I walked into potions that day and I ignored Draco as he walked in.

"Whats wrong Moresen?" He says teasingly.

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about." I say back trying to seem unbothered. "Ohhhh you're talking about you kissing that girl? The one with like 40 STD's?" I say starting to build confidence.

"The fuck did you say to me?" He says, clearly pissed off.

I lean towards Draco and whisper in his ear, I can see his breathing become more rapid. "You heard me, Malfoy." I sat back down with a smirk.

For the rest of the class Draco sits staring into his book and I do the same. He was clearly pissed off, but I didn't care. He was an ass for what he did tryin to get to me by kissing another girl. NOT COOL. I don't need a toxic man in my life.


I spent the evening in the Slytherin common room with Pansy and Ruth.

"Wow Pansy isn't attached to Blaise!" Ruth says jokingly.

"BAHAHA you are so funny." Pansy said rolling her eyes. "He has his first quidditch practice today" she explains. Meaning that's why I haven't seen Draco in a bit. Ugh why am I thinking about him again!?

"Oh shit yeah you're right. Cedric had practice this morning. You know the first game is Slytherin VS Hufflepuff next week, on Saturday?" Ruth exclaimed.

"That will be interesting! But tell me Roo, who's side will you be on? I said making them all laugh.

After about an hour of studying there was a huge ruckus behind me. I turned around as the girls did too and all the Slytherin quidditch boys walked. I saw him.

He looked tired yet energetic. He was wearing his quidditch uniform which was all muddy, and there were plats of mud on his face too. His blonde white hair was sweaty and over his forehead. In his hand was his precious broomstick. He was breathtaking.

The boys all gathered next to where we were sitting. Blaise went to Pansy and she jumped into his arms as if it's been 2 years instead of 2 hours. Draco was across from me. He placed his broomstick down and then he took his shirt off. His abs we're almost like beaming. I could not contain myself.

"Violet!" I felt Ruth shove me to the side.

"W-what? S-sorry" I said looking away from Draco.

"C'mon lets go upstairs I can't be in the same room as him" She said as she gathered her bag and books and headed up. I got my stuff and headed up. I glanced at Draco and he was there looking at me with the same evil smirk.

He was right. I am missing out.

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