F O R T Y - T W O

707 9 0

I Love You.

I looked at Draco as he stared at me. He did look rough. The eye bags under his eyes were returning and his hair was messy. Very unusual for him.

"Violet please say something," Draco urged walking closer to me. He then touches my hand gently, looking at my eyes watching for my expression. But I didn't mind him touching my hand.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Draco asked.

I don't say anything, only nod yes.


As we walk, Draco holds my hand very tightly, sweat begins to form. He leads me up a very tall twisted staircase, speeding up as we get up higher and higher.

We reach the top of the Astronomy Tower, the spring air hitting me refreshingly.

I lean against the wall as Draco paces back and forth. I didn't want to be the first one to say anything but seemed like I was going to have to be.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, Draco." I blurt out, causing him to look at me. He slowly approaches me, but I don't back away. I missed him more than ever. I hated him for what he did to me, but my heart still beated for him.

"Why?" he asked, gazing into my eyes. "After what I did to you, you'd have every to expose me."

I sighed, as he out his head down.

He was right. I should tell everyone, especially after what he did.

"I love you, that why I am keeping the secret. I love you too much to risk your life." I put my hands on his cheek and caress him softly.

"You shouldn't love me. I am a monster. You were right Violet. You really are just too good for me. Too perfect. I'm too broken and naive to deserve a princess like you."

"That's not true." I said out of nowhere. He was right but my heart disagreed.

"No, Violet. You know what I have to do. After I do it. After I complete every part of my task... you wont want me. You wont want a killer to be the man you love." He says as he backs from me but I pull him back him.

"You are not a killer." I say trying to get him to believe it.

He shakes his head, and backs away further. "No, Violet, I love you. Thats why I have to let you go permanently this time. Its for your own safety." He says as a tear falls to gravity.

My eyes begin to pool, I feel my heartbreak all over again. "No. No, no." I say, sulking.

"I'm sorry baby. You will find someone." He says, then Draco approaches me once more as my tears race down my cheeks. He kisses my forehead and wipes my fallen tears. And then he turns and disappears out of the tower.

I fall down to t he floor, tears pooling everywhere, ready to cause a flood. My heart couldn't handle this anymore, I felt it break into even more pieces. I brought my knees up to my chest and sobbed for hours until I had nothing left to cry.

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