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Too Good For You. 

It was Monday, and the last thing I wanted to do today was go to class and see Draco. I woke up and ate breakfast with Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys. 

"Mooooorning" George says as he sits right beside me. "How were those chocolates?" Fred asks.

"Mmm very good, they definitely have a way of making you very happy." I say which causes them to both laugh.

I laughed with them, and then I heard a laugh, a laugh I recognized easily. I looked back and saw Draco, he was already staring at me, as he laughed. The minute we looked into each others eyes he became red and looked at Blaise. What the hell is Draco trying to do. 

"I will catch you guys later!" I say as I stand and make way to the door. As I left the dining hall I felt someone grab onto my wrist. 

"What the- Draco?" I say fully confused. "What do you want from me?" I say but Draco pulls me in to the boy bathroom. Before I am able to say anything he shoves me against the wall. His right is on my waist pushing me to the wall making sure there's no way I can leave. Him touching my waist gave me a shiver as butterflies floated all around my stomach. He then puts his left arm on the wall. He's inches away from my face. He's never been this close.

"The Weasleys? How is it you're the only girl in the school that doesn't want me, but wants the Weasleys or Diggory?" He says as he gets closer. His freshly minted breath hits my face.

"I can't do this to Ruth."  I say as I try to move away. 

"But she did it to you." He says with a smirk. "C'mon I know that you liked kissing me."

"Draco you're so full of yourself. I dont want you." I say and manage to push him away. 

"Fine, I'll make you want me then," He says and shoves past me. 

What did he mean?

I didn't like Draco, in fact I had no feelings for him whatsoever. Right?



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