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Between My Legs.

"What the hell!" I yell out.

Draco walks up to me, he doesn't look half as drunk as he did at the party.

"Hello darling." He says walking up to me.


"Draco what are you doing here?" I asked, "sorry to disappoint but I am not Ruth, she's with Cedric," I walk past Draco.

"No, I am here for you" he claims, pulling me by my wrist. He had a very tight grip it hurt but the alcohol in my system made it less painful.

"Me? Why?" I asked starting to giggle.

"To punish you." he states, which makes me go silent.

"Punish me? I didn't do anything wrong." I state. What is he talking about right now.

He grabs my neck into a grip and pushes me down into my bed. He gets on top of me.

"You think you can just show up in a short skirt showing off your pretty little legs for other boys? You're mine, Moresen." He says, and he did NOT stutter.

"Yours?" I say trying to fight him off of me. "Last thing I remember was you telling me to fuck off and that you wanted Ruth."

"I lied,  I can't get you off my fucking mind no matter how much I try. I thought telling myself I wasn't over Ruth would make you leave my mind, but it made me want you more. Oh the things I'd do to you Violet" he says.

I feel chills up my spine as Draco puts his thumb on my bottom lip running through it. Then suddenly Draco smashes his warm, wet lips into my lips. He kissed me passionately and I moaned in pleasure. I didn't know whether it was the alcohol or if I actually really liked this.

Whatever this was.

Draco slowly ran his hand down my thigh, then back up between my spot.

"Draco.." I say, breathing heavily.

"I'll stop If you want me to." He says, as his blue grey eyes looked into my eyes.

"Goddamn, you're so beautiful and irresistible, I hate it." He says, running his hands through my hair." he says. Then I feel his hands go to where my skirt zipper was. His fingers unzip my zipper and he unbuttons my skirt.

"So do you want me to stop?" He asks again. Truth was, I never had sex, and I didn't know if that's what he was talking about. I wasn't ready for that, but my gut told me to say no, and so I nodded no.

I lifted myself up a bit so Draco could take my jean skirt off. He threw it on the ground and then smirked as he stared at my black laced thong I was wearing.

"You dirty, dirty girl." he says as I am still breathing heavily.

Draco brings his head to mine and begins to kiss me. Not any kiss, but long wet, tongue filled kisses. I suddenly feel a finger enter inside of me. I wasn't ready. No one has ever touched me like that, but I knew what he was doing.

I let out a moan, mostly because the feeling hurt.

"So wet and tight, Moresen. Incredible." Draco says and then goes back to kissing me. I felt another finger enter me and Draco's speed increased, making my back arch and more moans to escape my mouth.

"You like that, princess?" He asked teasing me. I nod yes as I roll my eyes back at this new pleasurable feeling.

Then Draco went down from my lips on to my neck, sucking my skin, surely leaving another hickey, or two. He then traveled down to where my underwear was. I lifted my head as I saw his eyes gazing into mine. And then my head fell backward and I arched my back once more as Draco began to eat me out.

His tongue felt so good in between my lower lips, down there. His fingers weren't in me, but this feeling felt even better. It was truly magical. I let out a gasp at the good feeling as he continued. I reached for his hair puling it at ease. This was the best thing I have ever felt. I let out another moan.

Draco kept going and going, his tongue hitting my clitoris. I moaned even louder as my legs began to shake and I felt a all time high. I didn't know what this feeling was, but I liked it a lot.

"Cum for me, princess" Draco ordered. And I did, right on his tongue. He continued to eat out as I arched my back and gripped on to my bed sheets. I moaned loudly and then I felt myself cum. I breathed so hard as Draco licked me once more and then came up to my face again.

"Good girl" he says, kissing my lips once more.

He then stands up and smirks at me. That type of evil smirk.

"Wow." I say.

"If that Alec guy thinks he can look at you, I will hurt him. Do you understand?" He says.

I don't say anything, completely lost in what he is talking about and what he just did to me.

"I said, do you understand, Moresen?" this time, more angrily.

I nod. "Yes, I do."

Draco then smirks and walks away.

What the fuck. I am at a lost for fucking words right now.

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