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Strange Night.

It was Saturday night. I was with Pansy in our dorm getting ready. The new boy, Alec was already here. I heard some gossip from other girls. They said he was beautiful, a fresh boy.

"Hey what should I wear?" Pansy asked as she was changing in and out of dresses.

"Is this supposed to be like a chill hangout? Or we going extra?" I asked laughing.

"Whats so funny?"

"You have a boyfriend! You don't need to be all dressed up for a boy silly goose!" I say which makes Pansy laugh.

"Haha okay, but I wanna show off to Blaise at least."

"Mhm okayyyy."

Pansy decides to throw on a black simple dress, tight and comfy. I decided to go a bit more chill. I didn't have anyone to impress, even Draco or the new boy. I through on a big sweatshirt and a black jeans skirt. It was short but it didnt show too much of my ass, as long as I was careful.

"So is Ruth like coming or-" Pansy asked.

"I honestly have no cl-" I started to say as the door swung open. Cedric and Ruth walked in giggling.

"Oh hey! Im glad I caught you guys. Ready to go?" Ruth said.

"You two are coming?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Ced finally decided to, and I thought it would be fun. Lets go! C'mon!" Ruth screamed excitedly as Pansy and I looked at each other then stood up. To be quite frank, I was bummed Cedric was here. I didn't get butterflies around him anymore. Ruth has spent every living second with him, it was becoming irritating. 

Pansy and I were officially less important than Cedric. Lovely.

We walked together to Blaise and Draco's dorm. Pansy walked in first and I followed, Ruth and Cedric behind me. The room reeked of alcohol. It was terrible.

"There they are!!!!!!" Blaise shouted jumping up. He ran to Pansy kissing her, clearly drunk. Goyle was next to Crabbe on the floor, and Draco was sitting on his own bed, a huge bottle of tequila in his hand. He looked so incredibly good. His hair styled the same since Year 3, I loved it. His eyes watched me as I entered the room.

"Ah, Ruth and Cedric, glad y'all could make it" Blaise says. Ruth and Cedric walk in and immediately go sit in the comfy chairs in the room. Ruth sitting on his lap.


"So where's the new guy?" Pansy asked looking around. Yeah, where was he, I mean he was no where to be seen.

Then the bathroom door opens and out walks a handsome brown haired boy, dark eyes. He was so tall, must've been at least 6 feet. I put my eyes on him and didn't take them off, neither did Pansy and Ruth.

Wow. For a moment I forgot there were other people in the room, especially Draco.

"Its not nice to stare, Moresen." Draco says taking a sip from his glass, I could sense the pissy tone in his voice. Everyone laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" I say as he walks about putting his hand out.

"You must be Violet, Blaise told me all about you, I'm Alec." He says as I shake his hand blushing.

What the fuck did Blaise tell Alec?

We all sat down on the floor and talked. Draco was the only one still on his bed.

Alec was talking about himself, and then we all introduced ourselves to him. I went first, then Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe, Pansy, Cedric and then Ruth went.

"I am Ruth.." Ruth goes on talking about herself and her hobbies and then Draco interrupts.

"-don't forget to mention Diggory being your boyfriend, you've only mentioned it about 59 times, 60 is even to go ahead." He says rolling his eyes.

"Shut it Draco." Ruth says back.

Draco stands up and is clearly wasted. He stumbles to the garbage and throws the bottle down. He then opens the door and heads out without another word.

"Where is he going?" I asked impulsively.

"Why the hell do you even care. He is such an ass, I can't believe I dated that jerk for a year." Ruth says.

After that, things got weird. For a bit no one talked and there was an awkward moment of nothing happening. I was thinking about Draco, and to be quite honest a bit too worried.

After a bit, I was tipsy from whiskey, and everyone else was either drunk or very drunk. Goyle and Crabbe were playing poker with Alec, Blaise and Pansy were making out on his bed and Cedric and Ruth were talking.

"This blows. Nice meeting you Alec." Ruth says as she grabs Cedrics hand and starts to head out. I stand up, upset.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm gonna spend the night with Ceds at his dorm, he has the room to himself since he's a prefect. I'll see you tomorrow Violet" Ruth says blowing me a kiss and winking. Cedric waved bye to us and they all leave.

Well that's great.

I decided I had enough of this strange night. My mind still thought about where Draco could have gone, but at the same time Alec was on my mind too. We caught a glance at each other quite often. He was cute, but I was tipsy and needed to go to sleep.

"Pansy Im gonna go sleep, you coming?" I asked.

"Nah I'm gonna stay here for the night probably, as long as Malfoy doesn't kick me out." she says giggling as Blaise kissed her neck. I needed to leave now.

I walked out and was walking a bit zig-zaggy back to my dorm room. When I opened the door I turned to close it. I let out a sigh and then headed to my bed when I suddenly jumped and screamed. I covered my mouth from pure fright.

Draco was sitting on my bed.

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