T H I R T Y - O N E

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The Replacement.

After reading the letter I sat by the window crying.

I felt like a shitty ass friend. Ruth was right, maybe I am a whore.

I should've told her. I shoul-

"Violet? Whats wrong?" Pansy says as she interrupts my deep thoughts in my head.

Pansy came by me and sat next to me holding my hand. I told her everything. About Draco and I, about our moments in the Manor. And then I told her about Ruth. I was scared, thinking she would leave me too.

"Do you hate me too Pansy?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't swear at me.

"Violet are you crazy? I could never. Come here" she reaches in for a hug, comforting me. It truly did make me feel better.

Pansy pulls my arm up making us both stand as she pulls me in for one more deep embrace.

"Come on we are going to get some food into your system." she says as we begin to walk out.


We got to dinner and sat down together. Blaise across form us with Alec, Pansy next to me. As we ate I heard a familiar laugh behind me.

"Ugh, move this whore out of my seat." Ruth says. And at that moment, Pansy snapped.

"The fuck did you say to her?" Pansy exclaimed, and this resulted in many people staring.

"Oh, I guess you didn't hear. Little Miss "innocent Violet" has been fucking my ex boyfriend! And now she's dating him!" Ruth shouts out, bringing even more attention to us.

"You and Malfoy? Atta girl." Blaise says smiling but immediately shuts up as he see's Ruth glare at him.

Pansy stands, I was afraid she was about to throw hands but instead she kept them to her sides.

"You are the whore Ruth. You are fake, you went after the one guy Violet always told us she liked. You never even bothered to ask her if she was okay. And I hear what you say about me to other people behind me back. You wanna call me a slut for Blaise, go ahead. I am a slut for him" she shouts back and begins to walk forward towards Ruth, but Ruth walks on backwards, clearly threatened. "Maybe if you weren't so focused on being queen bee, or wanting to be everything Astoria is, and actually focusing on your real two friends we wouldn't be in this situation." she snaps back again. "Get your shit out of our dorm by tonight or I will throw it out myself. Oh and one thing. It's your fault Draco doesn't want you, and for that matter, Cedric either." Pansy says, and then sits back as everyone claps and looks at her with astonishment, and laugh as Ruth runs away crying.

I fucking love Pansy Parkinson.

"Pansy, you are amazing." Blaise says.

"No one ever hurts my Violet." She says as she hugs me.


After dinner I walked to my dorm with Pansy. We opened the door to see that all of Ruths belongings are gone, and we smile.

As Pansy takes a shower, I decide to write a letter to Draco, I just can't wait to tell him the news.


A lot has happened, I will fill you in tomorrow. I hope you can fill me in on what happened at home, since your letter was very dense. Anyways, Ruth saw your letter, and now our friendship is over. But I am kinda okay with that for now.

Our secret is out. People know about us. I hope you're okay with that, I know I am.

See you soon.

With love,


And for the first time in 3 days, my heart is happy.

Even though Ruth may be gone, I have a boyfriend that isn't a secret anymore. I have friends who love me, and things actually seem great.

For now at least.

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