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The Confession.

I woke up the next morning feeling very sore, although I didn't really do anything with Draco.

Ugh, Draco. The way he left me there laughing, almost like it was just some dare. Disgusting.

 As I rose from bed I noticed that Pansy and Ruth were also in their beds sound asleep. It has truly felt like forever since we've had our own time together. It's actually quite sad as well. I feel like we just don't talk as much anymore. I mean I barely even know what's going on in their lives and relationships. But at the same time they don't know about my... whatever with Draco.


As the other girls awoke and dressed we talked about their nights with their boyfriends and they asked me what I did. I responded with the simple lie of "I just read and cleaned" and they rolled their eyes saying "oh that's our Violet".

After breakfast I was walking to class as I saw Alec in the halls, he looked very lost.

"Hey stranger, need help?" I said giggling a bit.

"Oh Violet you are a life savor. Please help me find Professor Snape's class" he pleased.

"ooo starting the day with potions! Lucky you -"

"I love potions" we both say at the exact same time looking at each other and then laughing.

I wrapped my arm around his arm and we started to walk. As we turned the corner to walk up to the third floor I saw Draco. He was talking to some new girl, another Slytherin, she looked familiar, though I didn't know her name. As we turned the corner his eyes landed on mine.

It felt like a volcano erupted. The tension within that hallway was immaculate. Draco clenched his fists and stomped away from us.

"What's his issue?" Alec asked looking at me.

"I honestly have no clue. He has his anger issues. I guess you can say." I said back

We got to Snape classroom and we stood outside of it.

"Well this is it. If you need help with your other classes find me" I say winking and smiling.

"Thank you Violet, hey are you busy this Friday?" He asked suddenly.

"Um no I don't think so why?" I asked, but I knew where this was going.

"Maybe we can-" he started but I interrupted.

"I would love to. Pick me up at 6!" I say winking as he smiled. I turned around and headed off to my first class.

As I walked to class I turned the corner and I saw Draco standing next to the entrance of Divination. I froze immediately as fear spread through my body.

He started to walk closer and I turned around and walked away from him, but I was too late and too slow. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a classroom, luckily empty.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing running from me, Moresen?" he shouted.

"Stop, you're scaring me." I said as I closed my eyes.

I slowly opened them when I noticed that he slowly backed away. His eyes looked worried, but his facial expression still expressed his anger.

"I didn't mean to scare you" he said.

"Why were you letting him touch you like that Violet?" He asked me.

"What are you talking about? He is our friend. I showed him to his class and I wrapped my arm with his as we walked. It didn't even mean anything." I snapped back. "You were literally flirting with that girl! Why do you even care?" And once I finished saying that, the volcano erupted once more. He pounced next to me and slammed the wall. I was stuck between his two extended muscle arms.

"Ugh just shut the fuck up Violet, you just don't get it." he says back.

"Get what Draco?" I said still stuck in between his arms. I felt his minty breath hit my face as he breathed heavily. His strong, rich cologne fumed in my nose. He smelled perfect.

"There has always been something about you. Always. I don't know why or how. Your long beautiful legs. Your golden brown hair, your beautiful green, blue eyes. Your confidence, your intelligence. Your kindness. Every fucking thing about you is just so damn irresistible." he yells out. And he kisses me. But I can't. I am in utter disbelief and shock. I pull him away.

"I-I need to get to class, we can talk later about this." I say and run off.

I didn't know what to say or do. I was so shocked, so scared. I couldn't do this to Ruth, she is my best friend, but Draco just confessed to, well to I don't fucking know what he just said. Does he like me? Or does he just like the feeling of me?

Oh god. Help me.

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