T W E N T Y - N I N E

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I Have To Go.

Ruth and I started to change, she finished first as I was still not done.

"Hey I will go get Alec, and then meet you, you said front courtyards?" Ruth asked as she walked towards the door.

"Yes, I will meet you there." I said.

After I changed I walked out of the building towards the front courtyards. I noticed that the boys were still not there, so I sat down looking up to the sky catching snowflakes with my tongue when suddenly, I get a snowball shot straight at my face.

"AHAHA loser!" Draco says as he comes out with Goyle and Crabbe laughing.

"You assholes!" I said as I cleaned the snow of my face laughing.

I gathered another snowball and aimed it at Draco, hitting him straight in the balls. He fell downed as a gasp left his mouth. I couldn't contain myself from laughter, and neither did his 2 followers.

"You think it's funny huh?" Draco says standing up walking towards me.

"Mhm, I think it's actually quite hilarious, and I would do it again." I said smirking. Draco bent down towards me picking me up. I wrapped my arms around him and my legs around him too. I laughed as he swung me around.

"Hm outdoor sex?" I said teasing him.

"If only we didn't have others watching." He said back.

I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I knew I couldn't. I just couldn't. People were around us and I was already doing too much.

Out of nowhere I am thrown towards a big pile of snow as Draco laughs evilly with his posse.

"Ah Draco Lucius Malfoy!" I said as the cold snow traveled along my back. I got up and began to run at him once I saw Ruth and Alec walking out.

"Whats he doing here?" Draco asked, he clearly was upset.

"Draco, he's our friend. No need to exclude him okay?" I said

"Hey Ruth" I said as she walked closer, her eyes still puffy. "How are you feeling?"

"I am okay." She said as she let out a sad sigh.

"What happened?" Alec asked as the guys gathered around.

"Cedric broke up with me... for no reason." She said as another tear rolled down her eyes.

"Seems like Diggory came to his senses." Draco snickered. I nudged his arm.

"Draco, stop." I whispered to him.

"It's fine. Malfoy is Malfoy" she says giving him a death look. "I think I am just going to head back to the dorm, I might just go see Cedric and try to talk some sense into him. I'll see you guys later." She says blowing me a kiss and then leaving again.

I watched her leave as the guys began to throw each others faces into the snow, although no one dared to touch Draco.


After Crabbe, Goyle and Alec said they were going for a few drinks at Hogsmeade I laid down in the snow and Draco stayed behind. He sat down next to me. He looked absolutely handsome. A black long coat, a Slytherin hat and scarf to match, black fur boots, and black thick sweatpants.


"You look beautiful, Violet." He said as he tossed some snow at my face once again.

"Dracoooooo, stoppppp" I said back playfully.

He laughed and then his expression became emotionless.

"What is it Draco?" I asked sitting up.

"I have to go home. I got a letter from my father, he said he needs me home, and its urgent. I leave tomorrow." he says as he stares at the ground.

"B-but why? For how long?"

"He didn't say, I hope not for long though. I can write to you if it will be though."

I sit up and reach over to hug him.

"I hope everything is alright. I will miss you." I say placing a kiss on his cheek.

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