F O R T Y - F O U R

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"Did you know?" Harry asked.

"No... n-no." I lied.

"Don't lie to me!" he yelled as he shook my body, trying to get the truth out.

"No! I swear. I didn't" I say, trying to sell my self off even more.

Harry nods is head, showing he believes me.

I hate lying to him, but I had to. Because now, after what just happened I most likely won't have anyone left in my life, but him, Ron and the Weasleys.

"Violet, go find the others, and stay with them," Harry says as he stands up and helps me too.

"W-where are you going?" I ask.

"I need to do something. I will be careful, go find Hermione and Ron." He says and then disappears down the staircase.

For a second I don't move. The feeling of my legs still being like jello remained. I began to breathe rapidly, a huge panic attack coming. But I couldn't cry. No. I am a Slytherin. Slytherins are strong.

I wiped my tears as I started running down the staircases, as I reached the first floor, I saw a mass of students running outside. I joined them, not caring whether I saw Hermione or Ron.

I walked among the tons of students hurrying outside, as I saw the aftermath. The damage that's done.

I shoved others aside aside as I pushed to get to the front. As I finally was able to see, I fell to the ground, my knees giving out.

His dead, soon to be cold body laid on the stone tiles, almost too beautifully. Too calmly. My eyes watered as I looked up, at the other students faces. Hermione and Ron standing next to me, jaws dropped to the floor, not able to think about what had just happened. They couldn't believe it.

No one could.

Professor McGonagall was in such a shock, her jaw hung open, but her eye didn't bother blinking.

Every student in Hogwarts stood in silence, mourning the death of their beloved Headmaster, who has never treated a student with disrespect, only love.

The silence and heartbreak continued to what seemed hours, until Harry approached form the corner, walking towards Dumbledores dead body. All eyes laid on him.

He sat by the body, and cried, as everyone raised their wands, shining a light.

Hogwarts was over.

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