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Whatever This Is.

I fixed my ponytail and walked out of my dorm. I start knocking on Draco's door. He opens the door and a big evil smile forms. 

"Couldn't get enough?" He says. 

"No Draco. This." I pull my hair to the side and I show him. 

"Do you want more?" He says the smile never fading his face. 

"NO! Draco whatever this is-"

Suddenly Draco took my hands and pulled inside his dorm room. He pinned me against the wall again and kissed me. I can't control and I kiss him back. But this time I wanted to. I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him, hard and passionately, like never before. I felt Draco's wet warm lips travel to the other side of my neck. 

"I think your hickey is lonely, let's give it a friend." Draco then goes from kissing my neck to suck on it harder than he did the first time. This time it hurt more but in a pleasing type of way. I moaned and Draco looked at me. "I know you like me, Moresen" He says and laughs. 

Suddenly I realized what he might be doing. This may just be his little game or him using me to feel better about Ruth and how fast she moved on but I was not going to be that girl. Im NOT that type of girl. I suddenly push Draco away. I walk towards the door but I end up tripping on my own foot. 

"D-Draco I need to go. Whatever just happened, didn't happen, I can't do this to Ruth, and I'm not that type of girl either." I walk out the door before I can look at Draco's facial expression or hear his rebuttal. I ran to my dorm room and locked the door. This can't be happening. I walked to the mirror and I pulled my sweatshirt off. On my neck were two large bruised, dark hickeys, one on each side. I would have to cover these up really good or I'd be looked at funny, or worse, detention. 

This isn't who I am. I don't even like Draco. He's just using me I bet! I can't let him think I want him. I don't, right?

The rest of the night I laid on my bed waiting for the girls to come back. I had a turtle neck under my sweatshirt so the hickeys weren't noticeable. 

The door opened and the girls came back all happy and smiley.  We spent an hour talking about what happened and hearing about how perfect it was. I was truly jealous I must admit. I wish I could have that with someone. Someone who actually wants me. A nice boy.  Like Cedric, but he wasn't for me anymore. I just have to focus on myself and my schoolwork. 


It was Monday, which meant I had to see Draco in class today. I managed to avoid him yesterday but just barely. 

I woke up before the other girls, and I went to pick out an outfit. It was fall, so a scarf was appropriate since it was getting chilly, but I had to be safe so I also work a turtleneck. 

"Violet, aren't you going to be hot?" Ruth said when she saw what I was wearing. 

"No I think I am catching a cold actually" I say and then force a fake sniffle. 

We all head down to the dining hall and I choose to sit with Hermione, Harry and the Weasleys.  

"Hey Violet, you okay?" Fred asks.

"Yeah I just have a cold I am ok though I can reassure you." I say back. 

"Oh they are just so cute." You hear Hermione say. You look at her and notice she is looking at Ruth and Cedric eating breakfast together. And then your eyes leap up towards Draco. He's looking at you too. He smirks and tilts his head a bit, I know he was just trying to get to me. 


The school day went on and on and I was just waiting for it to all end. I was so tired and boiling hot from my outfit. 

It was time for potions class. I sat down and a minute later Draco shows up sitting next to me. 

"Is it that cold that a turtleneck and a scarf are needed, Moresen?" He says trying to break me. "Or are you hiding something?" He says a bit quieter. I suddenly jump back and I blink really quickly. Draco placed his hand on my upper thigh, squeezing my legs. "When I speak you look at me, Moresen." He barks. I slowly turn my head towards his. "Good girl" He says. 

The butterflies came back. Hearing those words come out of Draco's mouth towards me made my stomach feel all different happy emotions. 

Oh no. I think I have a crush on the blonde devil. 

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