F O R T Y - N I N E

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Dear Dragon,

Merry Christmas darling.

I wish nothing more than to spend it with you.

Mum and dad are making me go with them to Spain, at least I will get some sun and relax a bit. You'd think year 7 wouldn't be so stressful, how could I be so wrong.

Nothing interesting has truly been happening here, its the same old.

Be safe, and have a great holiday.

I love you,


P.S. I hope this letter arrives on time <3



Merry Christmas to you too love. The snow storms here are quite rough, my owl arrived half frozen, I wanted to wait until the winter season calmed down a bit before sending him back. Mum and dad said you can come visit after the school year ends. They think It would be nice. They are planning to relocate this summer, maybe you can come with me somewhere and we can start our own loves together.

I hope all the boys are staying away from you, if someone touched you, I will rip their throats out.


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