T W E N T Y - F I V E

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The Grand Dinner.

After this mornings, fadoodle, with Draco I walked to my room and laid on my bed, I instantly fell asleep. I guess Draco was the missing piece to getting a good night rest.


I woke up just past 9 and headed down to see everyone sitting down for breakfast, I didn't see Draco though.

"Morning Violet" my dad said as he came and kissed my forehead.

"Morning dad." I said walking up to the table.

"Oh dear, if you don't mind actually waking up Draco and asking him to come down, could you get him?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes tell him to worry and not be such a rude person, we have guests" Lucius snarled. I turned around and rolled my eyes making sure that no one saw. I headed upstairs towards Draco's room.

I never really liked Lucius he scared me quite a lot. I know he used to be quite abusive towards Draco in the past, but Draco has talked about how its more of Lucius yelling at him , than actually hitting him. I guess that was better.

"Draco?" I said as I knocked at his door. Then I opened it as he didn't respond and I walked in closing the door behind me.

"Draco?" I asked again, no answer.

Draco's room was beautiful. Everything was black marble, or stone. Rich leather, curtains and rugs. A fireplace, and a bed with curtains hanging around. It was absolutely spotless too. It was perfect.

He was perfection.

Maybe he was too good for me now.

I walked towards the fireplace as I saw a picture of Draco when he was in year 3, wearing his quidditch uniform with his nimbus 4000, the brand new broomstick back then. I smiled. Draco really looked good that year. Hell, he always looked good.

"What the fuck?" suddenly Draco said as he opened the door connecting his room and bathroom together. I jumped and nearly dropped the picture frame.

"Sorry, sorry, your mum told me to come get you for breakfast, I didn't hear you answer when I called your name so-"

"So you just decided to barge in anyways?" he shouts. I was afraid. I didn't understand why he was getting so upset, I didn't mean to cause harm.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll just go." I said as I placed the frame down and then hurried out the door.

"Wait Violet, shit" I heard as Draco kept yelling at himself behind the closed doors.

I just can't seem to understand him anymore.

As the day passed I got ready for the Christmas dinner we were having. I was returning back to Hogwarts tomorrow, finally. My parents allowed me to go back a day early.

I took a shower and then allowed my hair to dry then proceeded to curl it and then put it in a high bun, I then did my makeup and lastly chose my dress for the night.

I wanted to wear something, different. Something wow-ing.

I wanted Draco to regret the way he treats me.

I went into my suitcase and grabbed a dress I packed. It was a long black dress, lace, and quite the perfect amount of tight. And a slut right on the left leg.

I put it on and noticed how beautiful it accentuated my curved. The left leg slit made it just more perfect.

I finished getting ready early and I decided to head on down, maybe hang with Daniel for a bit.

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