T H I R T Y - T W O

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I woke up in a very good mood. I was so excited to see Draco. But as I took a moment and looked towards Ruths old bed, I felt guilt in my stomach. I hoped that at least she was okay.

I got dressed and headed down to breakfast with Pansy. As we entered the dining hall, I noticed that Draco was not here yet. I had class in 40 minutes so I ate a piece of toast and jam and then headed to see if I could find Draco.

With the remaining 30 minutes I had left, I spent about 17 minutes looking for Draco. I went from his room, to my room, to the library, to the dining hall again, to the courtyards. Literally everywhere. He was nowhere to be found.

I decided to head back into class. I assumed he must still not have come back, I mean he didn't exactly specify when he would be back.


School was a pure bust. I didn't pay attention to anything whatsoever. The only thing I did pay attention to was the empty seat whereDraco sat. He was still gone. I hope he is okay.

I headed to the library after my last class to get some self study time, hoping whatever I wasn't paying attention to was simple material.

"Hey Violet," Blaise said as he walked I holding Pansys hand. "Draco just got back."

I looked up and a smile appeared on my face. I gathered all my belongings within a second and ran back to the Slytherin common room.

He wasn't there. I checked his dorm.

He wasn't there. I ran to my dorm.

And there he was.

Draco was sitting on my bed, wearing the same as always, a black dress suit. Looking handsome, just like always.

I ran to him as he got up and as our bodies clashed he held me tight to the point I couldn't breathe. I looked up as he let my body go.

He looked different.

Its only been 4 days but he looked tired. He had black circles around his eyes and his blue grey eyes looked worn out.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I cupped his face with my hands.

"I got your letter, is everything alright?" he asked. I missed his voice.

We sat down on the bed and talked about everything that has happened here.

"Enough about me, Draco what happened at home?" I questioned, as I looked into his eyes, worried.

"Nothing, important family business." he answered looking away from my eyes.


"I said its nothing just leave it."

"B-but Draco-" I started but then was interrupted as Draco smashed his lips into mine.

"I missed you. I missed touching you. It's been too long Princess" he said and then kissed me again.

A silence omitted around us as we stayed on the bed kissing one another. Draco then pushed me on the bed so I fell down on my back and he stood up.

"Take off your clothes" he ordered.

"But Draco we weren't finished talking-"

"I said take your clothes off. Do you want to talk, or do you want me to fuck you, Princess?"

I slowly began to take my shirt off, exposing my black pushup bra. Biting my lip and gazing into Dracos eyes, I slowly began to then take my pants off.

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