T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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I woke up the next morning and as I reached to the bed, my hand fell off. I opened my ears, still groggy, and noticed Draco was gone.

What a gentlemen.

I tried not to think about it too much, so I got up and changed. I out my Slytherin skirt on,  white button up shirt, and my Slytherin jacket, then knee high socks and boots. I put my hair up, and I didn't bother putting on makeup.

Before I left, I went to my drawer and took a plan B pill and chugged some water down.

As I headed down to the dining hall I saw Ruth. I haven't spoken to her since everything went down. We made eye contact, which was soon broken off by her when she went back to her conversation with Astoria.


Ruth hates Astoria. This must be some joke...

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Ruth was the last of my worries now.

I walked into the dining hall and towards the Slytherin table, sitting next to Pansy as Blaise sat across from us.

"Hey did you see Draco?" I asked.

"No, He came by this morning to grab his wand, but I was half asleep with Pansy." Blaise replied.

"So you don't have an idea on where I can find him now?"

"No, sorry, Violet." Blaise says as he smiles.

I was feeling a bit off. I didn't like that Draco left and no one knew where he was. He has been acting so mysterious, but I don't want to pry him with questions, that a one way ticket to "Angry Draco" land.

I ate some oatmeal and headed out to try to find Draco.

I spent about 20 minutes trying to find him, but he was truly no where to be found.

I couldn't be late to class again, so I just hoped I would see him later.


It was finally time for potions, I should be ready to see Draco in this class since we had it together. I practically sprinted from herbology to Potions. I was one of the first students to arrive. Yet, Draco was still gone.

5 minutes left until class was to start and still no Draco. Only Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hey guys, is Draco coming to class today?" I asked.

"No, we haven't seen him all day actually." Goyle answered.

I wanted to stand up and run out the classroom trying to find him.

I felt a sudden nudge on my shoulder.

"Hey Violet" Harry said, which caused me to jump.

"Oh Harry, hi, whats up?" I said as Harry sat next to me.

"Have you seen Draco? I know you two are together." He asked, curiosity built on his face.

"No, actually I have been trying to find him all day. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, nothing." Harry said awkwardly.

"Harry, please you seem concerned." I said as I held onto his wrist so he wouldn't leave.

"No nothing, he is my partner in our Dark Arts class and we have a project." He said and then forced a smile and walked away as I said "oh okay."

That was weird.

And what project in Dark Arts? There is no project.


After School I spent about 40 minutes pacing around my dorm as Pansy told me Draco was fine.

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