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I was backing up and tripped onto the floor as Draco was coming near me. He was still in his all black suit looking absolutely handsome, and it took my breath away.

"Scared, Moresen?" he asked and smirks.

"N-no" I stuttered. Truth was I was scared, but at the same time, I was anxious and excited. I wanted him to touch me like he did yesterday. The feeling was paradise. But I didn't want him to hurt me.

Draco holds his hand up and I reach for it. Once our hands touch he helped me up. He pulled me so close to him that our faces, once again we're only 3 inches apart. And then he did it again. He kissed me, but this time I pulled back.

"Draco, what are you doing. You don't even like me." I say as I placed my hand on his chest. He was so muscular, oh my god. But he stayed silent. His hands were locked on my waist holding me tightly. I decided I wanted to feel more. I lowered my hand slowly, dragging it across his back cotton shirt. I reached his stomach area, and felt his abs.


He must have a six pack. I felt a tingle between my legs and butterflies flew around my stomach again. Oh Draco, why do you do this to me?

I looked into his eyes and wrapped my hands around his neck. I bit my lower lip as I gazed into his cold eyes.

"I am guessing you haven't taken that shower yet, have you?" he asked me, now looking more relaxed and calm. I nod my head no. Draco then picks my light body off of the floor and my legs are wrapped around him. I began to giggle in his ear.

"Where are you taking me Malfoy?"

"Shower, we're gonna shower" he says. He puts me down and closes the bathroom door, locking it as well.

"We're?" I ask.

"Yes, princess." Draco reaches behind me and he turns on the shower head. Warm water starts flooding out of it. Draco then unwraps my scarf, eyeing how the scarring and bruising has faded down a bit.

"Take off your clothes, now" he orders. And my dumb self follows his instructions. I take off my jacket and then my sweater. I slowly unzip and take off my jeans. I feel Dracos hand on me. He lifts my chin and looks at me. "Look in my eyes, and don't take them off of me" he barks again.

I keep my eyes on him as I reach behind me to start unhooking my bra. I had a red lace bra and matching underwear on, soon to be off.

"No, allow me, turn around." Draco says and I put my hands down before I had the chance to unhook my bra. His cold hands reach to my back and he unhooks my bra effortlessly. My red lace bra falls to the ground and he turns me around. He massages my b-cup breasts with his fingers, which makes me gasp at the feeling. It hurt, but I liked it.

I then felt his cold hands travel to my underwear. He got down on his knees and kissed my thighs. The feeling of his warm, wet lips touching my bare skin sent goosebumps to appear all over my body. And then he began to lower my underwear. I was nervous. I looked up to the ceiling. A boy has never seen my like this. I didn't like my body.

I was nervous and a bit shaky.

"You are absolutely stunning, Violet." he says and stands. He grabs my face and kisses me. And at that exact moment I feel his cold hands and even colder rings enter me. Two fingers. I let out a loud moan as he surprised me with him entering me. I started to feel better. He then took his fingers out of me and brushed them along my breast and chest.

"Hm, so very wet." He says and I feel my wetness on my chest.

He then pushes me into the shower and begins to undress himself. My eyes don't leave him at all. I watch as he takes his jacket off. He then takes his shoes off one by one, and his socks off one by one too.

He then takes his shirt off, revealing his master piece that was hidden underneath it. Draco is completely jacked up. It was something I just couldn't bare to look away from. He unzipped his pants and dropped them to the floor and then I noticed his erection that was kept away in his boxers. I looked down at it.

"Eyes on me, Moresen" he said, but I disobeyed. My eyes stayed locked at his erection.

He pulled his boxers down and his dick came out. He couldn't have been more than 9 or 10 inches long. Maybe even 11.

Oh god.

I was trapped in this paradise and once my body twitched I came back to reality. Draco Malfoy is getting in the shower with me, we are completely naked, and I do not wanna have sex yet. I mean I am not ready. It is supposed to be special.

Draco walked in to the shower and closed the glass door, keeping the warmth within our space.

"Draco. We aren't gonna have sex are we? Cause I-I am not ready for that-" I begin to say as Draco dives in and kisses me. I feel his dick touch my stomach and I impulsively began to stroke it. I looked down at what I was doing. I was completely shocked. I never did this to any boy, yet I felt like I've been doing this for a while. As I stroked Draco's dick I heard him let out a soft moan and then his hand came once again around my neck, like a necklace.

"Turn around" he says, and I do. I face the wall and put my hands up against it. "Did I say you could stop princess?" he say in my ear and then rips one hand off the wall and places it back on his dick, and I continue to jerk it.

Draco then placed kisses all over my neck as his two hands ran around my body touching my breasts and pinching my nipples. I arched my back the minute I felt his two, now warm, fingers enter me once again. He went quick, and as he sped up, I sped up with jerking him. I let out many moans as I returned back to paradise.

Then I did something I never thought I would EVER do.


I let go of Draco and I took his hands away from me. I turned around and slowly bent down on my knees. I looked up and saw Draco was smirking. I then began to jerk him off with two hands again, this time I put it in my mouth. I ran my tongue all over it as Draco placed one hand on the wall for support and the other hand on my head, pushing me in to take all of it. I gagged so much to the point I felt tears fall down my cheek.

Draco then let go of my hair and placed his other hand on the glass handle for support. I heard him let out a moan as I went in deep and I felt him cum in my mouth.

The feeling was strange. It was warm, very salty, and quite thick too.

I kept my mouth open and I put my face down, allowing it to fall out of my mouth. I then felt him grab my hair and he pulled me up. He had an evil smirk on his face. He ran his thumb over my lower lip and then kissed me.

"Next time you swallow it all Princess. " Draco said, letting go of my hair. He then cleaned himself under the shower and grabbed an extra towel that was hanging. He wiped himself dry then put his clothes back on. I was still under the shower watching him change back. His tall, muscular figure.

He looks at me as he puts on his last piece of clothing and laughs.

He then walks out.

Did he just laugh at me?

Oh god what the hell am I literally doing with my life.

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