T H I R T Y -E I G H T

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Maybe It Is You.

"I don't know how you did it, but you made this man happy Violet." Blaise said as he sat down next to Draco at the dining hall for breakfast.

"Not true, I am Draco Malfoy, I only seek happiness when someone is in pain." He says, as we all laugh. Pansy sits down next to me, smiling.

"Well, Blaise I don't know how you did dit but you made this one quite happy too." I said, as we continued to laugh.

A sudden hand reached over my right shoulder, grabbing a bread roll.

It was Ruth.

"Oh if it isn't the biggest whore of Hogwarts, and her.. companions." She snickered.

"Says you." I snickered back, not realizing that everyone around us could hear that.

"What did you say to me?"

"Ugh, Violet, shut up. You open your legs up towards every boy that walks by you." Draco said, as we covered our mouths to hide our laughs.

"Is there something you want to say, Moresen?" Ruth asks, death in her eyes.

"Oh, just that.." I say as I pinch my nose, "I heard you. smell bad."

Everyone bursts into laughter. Ruth gasps, and stomps out of the dining room. I turn to look at Draco.

"Well done Princess. Standing up for yourself and everything. I love it." Draco sneered, looking at me admirably.


Tonight was date night, and the more I thought about it, this was actually our first official date.

And fuck, I was so nervous.

Draco said to dress warm, but also nice. I did not know what to expect.

"Pansy!" I shouted as I stormed out of the bathroom startling her.

"Huh? What?" she questioned looking at me.

"Please, help me woman."

"Aw first date jitters?" she teased.

"Welllllllll, yes and no. He doesn't make me nervous, its just, I mean look at him. He is perfect. Everything about him just screams rich."

"Violet. You are rich too."

"Not like him, plus I dress homeless half the time"

Pansy and I looked at each other and start laughing.

"Hey, Pansy?" I ask. "Do you ever miss Ruth?"


"Yes and no" she says as she sits down next to me. "She was an asshole to us. I mean think about it. She used us for her own hierarchy. Not only did she make me feel dumb, she treated you like a puppy. Both is us like one."

I looked at the floor.

"Do you?" she asks.

"Honestly, no. Seeing how she treats us now..."

"Don't think about her. She is doing her own thing, and we are doing our own."

I put my arm around her.

"Look at us. Happy best friends, dating two other happy best friends." I say laughing as she rolls her eyes.

"You are so lame!" Pansy shouted as she threw a pillow at me.


"Wear the blue dress, it really makes your eyes stand out." she advices.


Draco was to pick me up in an hour, so the preparation began.

The early spring was upon us, the birds chirped and the sun set at a much later time. The air was filled with the smell of precious flowers. I loved March.

As I curled my hair, and put makeup on, I hummed a song, swaying my hips in my tight baby blue dress.

I felt a sudden grip on my waist and turned in terror.

"Draco! Don't do that!" I screamed as his face was smiling.

"You looked absolutely beautiful, princess, and wow, those hips can move." He said pulling me into a tight kiss.


We were walking to Hogsmeade, in the beautiful spring evening, hand in hand. Everything about this moment felt perfect.

Everything felt right.


We entered The Leaky Cauldron, the smell of deliciousness filling my nose, a smiling forming on my face.

We were seated towards the back, away from all the commotion.

"Why are you smiling about Moresen?" Draco questions.

"Because I am with you." I respond, causing him to blush. "Draco it is really heartwarming to see you happy, especially with everything going on.."

"-please, Violet, let's just have a day we dont talk about that." He snapped.

We both fell quiet. I grabbed the menu, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"I'm sorry, I can be such an asshole." He said, looking tense, so I grab his hands and held onto it tightly, assuring him everything is okay.


We had a divine dinner, spending the time laughing and stuffing ourselves. I tried my best to ease Draco's mind, knowing he only had 3 more months left, finishing up his task from the dark lord.

We were walking back to Hogwarts after dinner when Draco culled me away from the path.

"Ow, Draco? Where are we going?"

But he didn't answer.

A small thought popped in my head, thinking he was about to kill me, but that was irrational.

After walking in silence for 3 minutes, we stopped on a hill that oversees the beauty of nature. A large river without mountains displayed in the background, higher than the clouds. Thousands, upon thousands of stars shining brightly in the dark night sky.

It was truly breathtaking.

"Violet." Draco said, breaking the silence and taking my eyes off the scenery.

"Yes Draco? Is everything alright?" I asked.

He sighed and took a Depp breathe in, then exhaled.

"It isn't easy for me to talk about my feelings. I am not like other guys." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black elongated box. "but when I met you 6 years ago for the first time, there was truly something about you that I just couldn't understand. The days I spent loving Ruth, I spent them liking.. you. Violet.." he opens the box, and laying in it is a silver chain, with a large D as an accessory to it.

"Draco this necklace, it's beautiful." I say as I look at him, my cheeks turning red, and heating up.

I turn around, allowing Draco to put it on my neck.

"Now everyone will always know you are mine." He says as he kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "You're too good to me, Malfoy."

"No, you're too good for me, Moresen."

We looked into each others eyes. I didn't want this night to end. Everything was purely amazing. It felt like... a dream.

"I love you." I blurt out. But I don't regret it.

Draco's eyes open wide.

"I love you too, Princess." and he kisses me.

Someone pinch me.

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