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His Touch.

The week flew on by, and I managed to avoid Draco in potions all week. He would bug me and still look at me but I didn't budge, so I assumed it worked pretty well. 

It was Saturday, Pansy, and Ruth have a double date planned tonight, and since I don't have anybody I will be staying in. I'll probably just hang with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione. 

After breakfast Pansy and Ruth wanted my help with their hair. 

"Pansy I think you should curl it, I know Blaise liked it when it was wavy, try something new out!" I say as Pansy agrees. 

"Hey Violet what do you think I should do for Cedric?" Ruth spills, and the moment she says that I feel my heart sink. Cedric. I still had feelings for him, even though I was purely nothing to him. But Ruth was everything to him now. 

"Oh um, straighten your hair I am sure he'd love that." I responded back, the cheeriness from my voice fading away. 

As the girls got ready, I hugged them goodbye. 

"Are you sure you don't wanna come Violet? I know they'd be okay with you tagging along!" Ruth says as she steps out the door. 

"I am sure, being a fifth wheel isn't my thing, go have fun!" I say. Ruth walks away and I close the door. I change into shorts and throw on a sweatshirt. I head to the bathroom and tie my hair in a ponytail. As I tighten my ponytail I hear a knock at the door. I assumed it was Pansy or Ruth claiming they forgot  their purse or something. 

"I'm coming!" I yell out and rush to the door. "Draco?" I opened the door to see the blonde devil boy standing outside my door. 

"Ah Moresen" Draco says and then welcomes himself in. 

"Uhhhh, what are you doing here?" I say shutting the door. 

"Blaise is out and so are you girl friends, Goyle and Crabbe are eating again so I am left alone, and so are you, we're friends why can we hang?" He questions with a smirk on his face. 

"Draco I can't you're Ruths ex." I answer back. Draco has never voluntarily hung out with me. 

Suddenly Draco stands up and walks to me. I begin to walk backwards but he doesn't stop. Suddenly I feel my back hit the wall and I am stuck. Draco places his hands on my waist, and I start to pant again. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach again. I shouldn't feel like this. 

Draco lowers his head next to my ear and whispers. "Your best friend is probably fucking your crush" he says and then he does it. I feel a cold wet mark on my neck as Draco begins to kiss my neck. I feel shivers all over my body and my neck is kissed by him. He steps even closer to me. I feel Draco's cold hand and even colder rings touch my leg. He slowly brings his cold hands high and higher and stops once he reaches my heart. He places a kiss and smirks again. 

"Whys your heart beating so fast Violet?" he says cunningly. 

Suddenly without even thinking I smash my lips into his and put my hands on his cheeks. He kisses me back even more passionately. Draco wasn't my first kiss, but I felt sparks fly as if it was.  His cold lips suddenly turned warm as he kissed me continually.  He pulled me closer and closer to him. And then I pull back quickly. 

"D-Draco I c-can't." I say as he doesn't let go of me. Our faces are inches apart from each other. 

"Can't what Moresen? What's stopping you? You know you want it." He says. He was right. I did want it. I wanted him. At this moment at least. 

"Oh fuck it" I say. I kiss Draco back as he picks me up. My legs are wrapped around him. As Draco kisses my neck I tilt my head back. It felt so good. I felt him sucking on my skin. The pain felt good. He kissed my lips again and then he started walking over to my bed. He places me down as we are still kissing and then he stops and stands up straight. I look at him with puppy eyes questioning why he stopped. 

"Whats wrong princess? Did you want more??" He says cunningly again. He smirks and then comes to my ear and whispers. "I knew you liked me."

"I-I don't" I say stuttering. Draco then puts his finger on my lip signaling me to stop talking. 

"This is all you get for now." He smiles and then walks out closing the door after him. 

What on earth just happened. And why did I like it? Oh no. I can't like Draco. No one likes Draco. I can't do this to Ruth. 

It doesn't mean anything.... 

I laid in my bed, breathing hard. I laid like the for about 20 minutes before finally getting up. I rubbed my hands through my hair and then the door opened causing me to jump. Ruth walked in with Pansy.

"AH!" I screamed. 

"Violet? Whats wrong?" Ruth asks looking at me in a strange way. 

"Nothing you guys just scared! Why are you back so soon?" I asked breathlessly. 

"Ruth forgot her purse as we were halfway to Hogsmeade, she insisted she needed it.." Pansy says looking at Ruth wide eyed. 

"Oh shut up, hey Violet?" Ruth begins. She starts walking towards you, a weird and confused expression on her face. "Whats on your neck?" she asks. 

Oh no. Draco must've given me hickey. Fuck. 

"Oh? Um I don't know! Something must've bit me." I say nervously. 

"Oh okay, well then, we will be back late. Love ya Violet!" Pansy says and Ruth waves bye to me. 

I run to the mirror the minute they leave and I look at my neck. Oh no. It was a hickey. And a very large one. 

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