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A Long Time And A Lost Friend.

It's been three days since I have seen Draco. He has not written to me, but I decided if a week has passed, I'd write to him first.

Pansy and Blaise came back 2 days ago and they have, like always been inseparable since. I love them together but it was kinda annoying. Everything he had to do, he wanted her by his side.

Cute, but annoying.

Ruth has been in bed for the last few days, full depression mode. She has been crying and sleeping 24/7. If not one, then the other. Apparently Cedric told her to leave him alone, but Ruth can't catch a hint. She still tries everyday before curfew to talk to him.

Today was our first day back for our second term. I was not excited, mostly because I was worried on where Draco is doing. His father called him urgently. But I trust Draco is okay.

I walked into History of Magic but I was so suddenly stopped by Cedric.

"Violet." he said sternly.


"I need your help. I need you to deliver this to Ruth." He says as he hands me a letter. I give him a strange look.

"You seriously can't even talk to her? You're not really that immature are you?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"And you're not really a fake friend now are you? Kissing you best friends boyfriend?" He snickered.

My stomach fell to the ground.

"H-how do you know?"

He smirks, "I saw. I was walking when I saw you kiss his cheek. If you want me to keep your secret, then you deliver this to her without a problem. Understood?" He says looking into my eyes.




I go through the day, slouching and barely paying attention in class. It was new for me, not to pay attention. I was top of my class, behind Hermione of course. But I just couldn't manage today. The fact that Cedric knew made me anxious. I didn't think he would be like this.


After school I headed off to my dorm, I didn't want to eat or anything. I just simply wanted to see Draco.

I opened my dorm and closed it. Ruth turned around as she stood in the middle of the room. A piece of paper in her hand.

"Hey Roo, I have something for you-, "

Whats wrong?" I said as I see her expression completely change.

"Why is Draco writing to you?" She asks as she walks towards me. "Violet." she says once more, clearly very upset.

I stood there completely frozen in place. I truly did not know what to say.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Ruth, I-I can explain" I say as my eyes never leave the letter.

"Have you guys been hooking up?"

"Well- um-"

"DON'T LIE TO ME VIOLET!" she shouts at me.

"Ok ok! Draco and I are seeing each other. It started after you guys broke up.." I say lowly.

"I can't fucking believe you." she says throwing the letter behind her. "You are a fucking fake whore!" she says ripping the letter out of my hand from Cedric. "Oh now Cedric writes to you too? Stealing my other boyfriend too?"

"No, Ruth he told me to giver you that, I-I'm sorry I was, we w-were going to t-tell you."

"Yeah!? When huh? You know what, fuck this and fuck you Violet. I hope you two are happy" she says as she storms out of the dorm.

A few ears begin to fall down my cheek but I wipe them away. Right now I don't have time to cry about her.

I pick up the letter and begin to read;


I am sorry, for I have been gone for a few days. I will be returning tomorrow.

I hope you're alright.


Draco Malfoy

Thats it?! He's been gone for three days and that's all I get?

Emotions were running within me like crazy. I wasn't understanding what the past 5 minutes had just been.

Draco, Ruth and everything.

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