F O R T Y - O N E

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A week has passed by since the reveal of Draco's plan with his father.

Use me to get close to my fathers business.

I got a letter back from my mum, she said everything was alright and did understand why I was so worried. She said she was happy for Draco and I.

Well, no need to be happy anymore.

I haven't seen him since that day. To be quite honest I am not even sure if he's at school or still at home. Pansy has been bringing me breakfast lunch and dinner, her and Blaise have been fighting as well.

"Boys are fucking dicks" she'd say. And I would nod in agreement.


"Cmon Violet. You really need to get going to class you've missed a week and that's not like you!!" Pansy said.

"I don't want to."

Pansy sighs as she picks my light body from the bed and throws a sweatshirt at me.

"Get dressed. Now." She ordered.

I put the sweatshirt on but left my sweats on, I may have looked like a wreck, but it showed how I felt and I couldn't give two fucks.

Walking to History of Magic resulted in many eyes looking back at me. Some eyes showed empathy, others showed disgust.

In the midst of class, I asked to go to the bathroom. It was my way of getting out of all this bullshit.

I used to love school now I wanted to leave.

I walked out the class and headed to the girls bathrooms, luckily the nearest ones were on the other side of the school, so I took my time.

I was walking when I heard a cold hand hens my wrist, I let out a low Yelp.

"Violet?" Draco asked. His blue gray eyes piercing into mine, his dark circles under his eyes returned and he looked rough.

This was clearly affecting him.

"Violet please say something," he urged.

But I just couldn't. I looked into his eyes and didn't look away, my eyes barely blinking.

After what felt like forever, I, I placed my hand in his chest and moved back.

"Please don't. I can't. I can't do this. I can't pretend like I am okay. I am not okay." I speak lowly.

"You think that I'm okay? The amount of times this week I thought about ending it-" He says back.

"No." I cut him off firmly. "You do not get to feel bad about yourself. You should've told your father you didn't look at this as a deal. That this was real. You could've told me the truth. You said no lies yet our relationship was a lie. There's is no more us." I snap and turn around, continuing my walk to the ladies restroom.


After a long day, Pansy ended up dragging me from bed to go to dinner. I prayed in every way that Draco wouldn't be there. And luckily my prayers were heard, he wasn't.

"Pansy I don't get it what happened with you and Blaise!" I ask as we sit away from where we usually sit.

"He said his mum doesn't like me." She said blankly.



"Because I seem dumber than I really am!" She shouts, "can you believe that! She even told him I'm uptight. He told me everything she said!" She vented.

I looked at Blaise as I noticed he was listening away. It was vividly clear that he was upset.

"But why are you mad at Blaise? Wasn't his mum saying all those things?" I asked.

"Because he told me his mum would be fond of me. Instead she's ashamed of her son spending time with me."

My expression fell as I could see Pansy nearly cry, but she sniffled and her tears disappeared.

The rest of the time we ate dinner in silence, and to be quite honest, the dining hall seemed quieter than usual. Less energetic. Strange. It was as if the whole atmosphere at Hogwarts shifted as a whole.

As Pansy and I were getting ready to head back to our dorm, Blaise came to Pansy.

"Babe can I please talk to you?" he asked, sweetly.

"Babe? Why would you call me babe. Ugh okay, but only because you called me babe." Pansy says as she gives in.

I roll my eyes and smile as they leave, knowing they are probably going to fuck and makeup. Love that.

I headed out towards the staircase when Harry, Ron and Hermione approached me.

"Hey Violet!" Harry yelled out.

"Oh hey guys! Whats up?" I asked as I examined their worries faces.

They all looked at each other as I looked at them. Finally Hermione spoke.

"We must has you a question, and we don't know how else to say this." she said.

"Okay? Well whats the question?"

"Is Draco a death eater?" Ron asked.

I instantly felt like I was punched in the gut, and was going to throw up everywhere. My heart stopped beating and my stomach dropped.

"Death eater?"I say and scoff, "of course he isn't. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Harry has been following him and he says he's been acting rather strange. He said he caught him in the room of requimrent with the Vanishing Cabinet." Hermione explained.

"Yeah, he was saying an incantation rearing spell." Harry said.

I looked at them with burning cheeks.

"Bloody hell you look quite pale, Violet." Ron exclaimed.

"S-sorry, the word death eater scares me, but I must inform you I have no such idea if he is. Draco and I aren't together anymore too, so I am not sure what more I can say. I have never seen such a mark on his wrist." I say, trying to sell my lie off.

Harry looked at the other and then back at me as he smiled.

"Thanks Violet. Have a good night." He says as they all nod and walkway. I turn around and walk towards my dorm, but as I cut the corner I see Draco leaning against the wall and freeze.

"You kept y secret?" He asked, eyes wide, as if he was shocked.

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