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The Truth Always Comes Out.

The suns blinding light woke me up as I crept into the frame of the large glass window in Draco's room. I woke up, naked in Draco's bed. Looking beside me I saw he wasn't there.


I sighed and got up, throwing on a tshirt of mine and sweats, then threw on a sweatshirt. The Malfoy Manor was always quite cold.

I walked out the room and headed towards the main staircase leading down. As I walked past a door, I heard voices I recognized. I stopped immediately and backed away a bit.

It was Lucius and Draco.

I reached for the handle but stopped myself before making the biggest mistake of my life and opening the door.

I leaned my ear towards the door, keeping my breathing to a minimal.

"I must admit son, you've done well. I am not quite plesse with the fact she knows our secret, but the plans all going accordingly."  Lucius said to Draco.

What plan?

"Father, I love her." Draco claims, and then Lucius begins to laugh.

"Love her? Haha oh son please. Love isn't important."  Says Lucius bitterly.

"I do though. That's why I told her. And she said she'd keep it a secret I don't think she'd lie about that." Said Draco.

"If she wants to live then yes, she will not speak a word of it to anyone."


"Ah, listen son. Things are hard right now. We need the money. Mr. Moresen signs the papers on Wednesday, I'll become a co-owner if his, and soon to be mine, fairly successful business. We will be in great shape. As long as you you keep Violet happy, her father will sign. You did good. She fell in love with you like I told you to do. Now you have a few days to figure out how to break up with her."

"And what is I don't want to?"

"Well that wasn't the plan was it?"

"Of course, father." Draco said.

My heart sank down to the ground. I stood in the hall by the door, silently hyperventilating.

He used me?

He used my wealth?

He made me fall in love with him?

Suddenly the door opens and Draco walks up. His eyes shoot to mine, fear shown all over his facial expression.

"Fuck Violet. Fuck. Let me explain" he said. His eyes began to pool with tears.

"N-no. I heard everything I needed to." I said as tears fell down my red cheeks. I ran to Draco's room shutting the door making sure he was blocked off, I grabbed my suitcase and began to throw all the clothes I could find that belonged to me and shut it.

I walked out of the room, Draco crying on the floor besides his doors, running as he grabbed a hold of my hand.

"Let go of me! You are a liar!  You never loved me. I was just a game, a deal. Do you could take my fathers business away from him" I cried out.

"Violet no. I, I love you I do, I- I mean that." He stuttered but I pushed him away from me. I ran through the hall out to the fire place grabbing floo powder off the desk near the fireplace on my hand.

"Violet please. It was my fathers plan. I love you I do. I never, ever faked it when I was with you." He said.

"You hurt me Draco. I don't deserve this." I walked into the fireplace. "I'll always be too good for you." And I threw the floo powder down and said "Hogwarts" and I disappeared, with a heart, broken into a million sharp pieces.

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