F O R T Y - E I G H T

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Dear Dragon,

Its officially the last year here at Hogwarts, I miss you so much. It isn't the same without you. Goyle and Crabbe are now following Blaise everywhere and he is slowly losing his mind with them.

Professor McGonagall is really great, I must be honest, she's definitely been taking things into account and its felt much safer around the school.

Ruth and I are good! She also made up with Pansy, but Pansy practically sleeps with Blaise every single night.

I have a picture of us by my bed side, I lookout it every night when I am about to go to sleep, makes me feel like you're looking after me.

I hope all is well, wherever you may be, and that you're safe, and so are your parents.

Only a few more months until I can hopefully see you.

I love you so much,





I am glad to hear all is well, and ew McGonagall? She gives me the freaks.

Mum and I are doing well, dad is going a bit mental, but at least he seems to still be sane, most of the time.

It's cold here, and I don't have enough black suits to wear.

I miss your touch and warm kisses, sometimes I think about operating to just see you, but its too risky.

Counting down the days until I see you again, my love.


P.S. told you man name was fucking badass

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