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Heartbreak and Betrayal.

Things were bad. It was Saturday and Ruth was still crying all day everyday. It was slowly getting a bit annoying. 


The Slytherins were hosting a "open house" type of party tonight. I thought it was the perfect chance for Ruth to get out of bed and have fun. We spent the day at Hogsmeade getting new dresses for tonights with Pansy. When we got back we began to get ready. 

Ruth curled her hair and wore a purple colored tights dress, Pansy wore a black long sleeve dress with her usual straight silky hair, and I wore something different. I heard Cedric was to be attending so I just had to look different. I curled my long golden brown hair into precious locks and did my makeup. I put on a off the shoulder red lace dress afterwards. 

"Wow Violet. You look hot!" Ruth said. 

"Girl no, when that blonde devil lays his eyes on you he will regret everything" I say back seeing it clearly gave her a lot of confidence. We walked out of our dorm, Pansy already with Blaise. 


The party was held in the Slytherin common room, and it was only for everyone in years 6 and 7. Once Ruth and I made it down the stairs I saw Draco. Draco took a double take when he saw me, Ruth not realizing yet he was there. Why was Draco looking at me like that? I quickly grabbed Ruths hand and took her to the middle and we danced. We danced like never before as the music banged against the walls in the common room. 

Suddenly Cedric came up to me.

"Hey Violet." he said. 

"Im gonna go get a drink, see you soon." Ruth says and then leaves me. 

"Hey Cedric, what can I do for you?" I say in a flirty way, but then I noticed he hasn't yet taken his eyes off Ruth. 

"Oh shit sorry, I wanted to give you this." He says and hands me my homework he borrowed. 

What the fuck. 

"Oh thanks." I say looking very disappointed. Why would a guy like him ever like me. 

I ended up quickly turning around and heading to the garbage. I threw my homework away after crumbling it. I then went to the drinks to try to find Ruth, and getting a drink for myself. I didn't see her but I poured myself a drink anyways. 

"Aw Violet, how was that convo with your boyfriend Diggory?" Draco said laughing after. 

"Draco please, just what do you want." I say with a drink in my hand. Then suddenly Draco comes so close to my face I thought he was going to kiss me. 

"Wearing a red lace dress, short and tight, it's a good look for you Moresen, it shows off your legs." He says straight into my ear. I began to freak out. Was Draco hitting on me?

"Um no no no, Draco where is Ruth." I asked backing away. 

"Who cares. She saw me talking to Astoria again and she ran up. Beats me" He says. 

"Draco she's been your girlfriend for a year, cut her some slack." I said putting my drink down. 

"She isn't my girlfriend anymore. I grew tired of her whining." he said. He then picks up your drink and drinks out of it. "Mmm I can pour you something stronger, maybe you'll forget the conversation you and Diggory just had." He snickered.

"Hahaha I-I gotta goooo" I say turning around and heading up to find Ruth. I don't know what's going on with Draco, I think he's just drunk and maybe that's why he's acting strange, I hope. 

I open my dorm room door and see Ruth crying again. 

"Ruth stop, no crying over that devil. Get up" I say and pick her up. 

"No no I don't wanna go Violet, you go." she whines. I then lay her on the bed and go to my drawer. I get the box of chocolates that the Weasley twins gave me calling they make you happy. 

"Here" I say stuffing a chocolate in her mouth.

"These taste like ass" She complains. Then suddenly she begins to laugh. And I mean laugh to the point I thought she was dying. They worked. She jumped off the bed. "Why are we here!! Lets go party bitch!!" She screams grabbing my arm and we head back to the party. 


After dancing for a good hour, I go to Pansy who is with Blaise and Draco by the drinks. I pass by Draco, his mint, mahogany strong scented cologne filling my nose. He might've been a complete ass but damn he smelled so good. 

"Ah Moresen I was wondering if I was going to see you again." he says.

"Hm nice to see you again Draco, but I gotta get to my friend, yanno, the one whose heart you broke" I say while pouring myself a drink. 

"You mean your friend who is kissing your boyfriend?" he says and laughs. He points to Ruth and Cedric making out on the dance floor. 

How could she. She was practically high, but still, what the fuck. She knows I like Cedric a lot. 

Without even thinking I slam my drink on the table and reach for Dracos face. I pull him in and kiss him.

I kissed Draco. 

His warm wet lips kissed my lips back. He didn't pull away, instead placed his left hand on my butt and his right hand on my cheek. I felt his cold hand and colder rings touch my skin. 

I then pulled away. 

"Oh my god. Im so sorry." I say looking around hoping Pansy and Ruth didn't realize. I looked at Draco who had a huge smirk on his face. 

"Wow even for you that was pretty hot." he says. He leaned in again but before he could kiss me again I swooshed out the way and headed to my dorm. I turned once to see if he was following, and thank god he wasn't. But he did have a huge smile on his face and had two fingers touching his lips. I ran into my dorm room and shut the door. 

I just kissed Draco Malfoy. 

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