T W E N T Y - S I X

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Pregnancy Scare.

After the night I just had, I asked my mum and dad if it would be alright to return back to Hogwarts. I told them Ruth write to me and wanted me to come back, and they agreed. That morning, I packed and left without a word to Draco.

I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. I wasn't sure what was going on anymore. My legs were very sore and from time to time I felt like my legs were about to collapse.


Once I made it to Hogwarts, I set aside my stuff in my dorm, I noticed Ruth was already back, and Pansy still with Blaise.

I walked around the school trying to find Ruth but she was no where to be found.

I decided to just go to the dining hall and luckily, when I did I saw the Weasley with Harry and Hermione.

"Violet!" George screamed as he saw me, a smile automatically forming on his face.

"Hey guys! Merry belated Christmas!" I said back.

"What are you going back so early I thought you'd be gone for the rest of the week," Hermione stated as she took a sip from her hot chocolate.

"Uh yeah, I decided to come back early. I missed you guys" I lied. I did miss them, but they weren't the reason why I was back.

We talked and talked until I felt someone two my shoulder.

"Roo?!" I said as I jumped from my seat hugging her. She looked tired and didn't seem like things were okay.

"Violet I'm so glad you're back. I need you." She said as she grabbed my hands. I waved bye to the other as I was dragged out the hall into our dorm room.

Ruth always made sure she was everyone priority. It was annoying and quite frustrating. But she was the way she was and no one could change that.

Ruth sighed as she sat on my bed beside me.

"Did something happen at home or with Cedric?" I asked her.

"No, it's just. Violet. You can't tell anyone. Not even Pansy," she said lowing her voice down.

"Okay, I won't I promise." I said back assuring her.

Pansy was bad with keeping secrets so we usually didn't tell her everything.

"I think I am pregnant. I missed my period and I'm like 5 weeks late." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Shit, Ruth. Does Cedric know?" I asked, a bit worried.

"No he doesn't. That's why I need your help. Can you please get me a pregnancy test back at Hogsmeade. I need to know. And I'm too scared and embarrassed to go on my own," she stated as she cried a bit more.

I rubbed her back trying to make her feel better. "Yes I'll go. I'll go now even. It's gonna be okay. Just don't think about it okay," I reassured her.

"You're the best Violet." Ruth said as she stood up to her purse then pulled out a few galleons.

"No no I will pay. Don't stress it." I said as I hugged her.

Maybe I could get some plan B pills for myself if I was there. Draco pulled out but I need to be safe and I don't think having a child with Draco is what we need right now.


After breakfast I changed and I headed off to Hogsmeade on my own. It was snowing but not too cold.

I walked into J. Pippins Potion and began to look for the potion pregnancy test. I then headed to the plan b pills that were always placed in the back. As I walked I saw Draco. I froze.

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