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Can't Keep Doing This.

I was in the library after school, studying with Hermione for the History of Magic tests we have tomorrow. 

"Hey Violet did we get The History of Hogwarts Volume III book?" Hermione asked. 

"Um no I'll go get it be right back." I say as I stand up and head to the History section in the library. As I was focused on finding the book I felt hands places on my waist. I jump and turn around. It was Draco. 

"Oh Draco... what are you doing?" I asked, "You're never in the library." 

"Decided to come today, lucky we were in the same place." Draco then turns me around so we are facing each other. 


"Oh c'mon Violet I know you want me" He says as he begins to lean in for a kiss. 

"Draco" I put my hands on his chest and push away. "I can't, Ruth is my best friend and even though she did this to me I can't do it to her." I put my head down. "I want you, but I can't I'm sorry" I quickly turn around and return back to Hermione. 

"Did you find the book?" she asked still keeping her eyes on her paper. 

"Oh no the librarian said it was already checked out" I said. 


That night after what happened in the library I was thinking about Draco, and I didn't want to. He was tall, blonde and grey-blue eyes that shined, he had unbeatable style, and he was so handsome. But I can't. Ruth would be so heartbroken. I touched my neck and that was when I got a flashback of Dracos cold wet lips on my neck. I touched my leg and moved my arm towards my stomach remembering when his cold hands did it first. 

"Uh Violet are you okay?" Ruth asked. "You were moaning" 

Oh god no. "Oh yeah sorry I was in a really comftorable position." I said back trying to hold back my laugh. I am losing my mind. What has Draco done to me? 


The next day I looked in the mirror and say my hickeys were looking a bit better, but I decided to put makeup on them to cover them up just in case. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and headed to my first period class. As I turned the corner I suddenly stopped. 

Draco was kissing a girl. The way he kissed me. His hands on her waist and he was really going at her. When he saw  me he suddenly let go of the girl and she walked on by looking like she just saw angels. I was staring at him as he walked by me. 

"Just a visual representation of what you are missing out on" he says then walks past me hitting my shoulder. 

He did NOT just kiss another girl to make me jealous. Screw you Malfoy. 

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