T W E N T Y - O N E

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Date Night.

The rest of the week went by slowly.

Professor Snape changed our seats in potions and I was assigned to work with Hermione, and thank goodness Draco was seated with Blaise, far away from me. It made it much easier to avoid him.

Since Draco told me all those things, I have been hiding out. It was so unexpected and I just didn't know how to feel. I mean yes I liked Draco too, but there was just something holding me back.


It was finally Friday. Alec and I had our date/hangout today. We never really specified exactly what it was, but its time with him and time to distract myself from Draco.


It was 5:32, and I had to start getting ready. I put on black tights, then a black comfy dress, boots and a leather black jacket, I also kept my straight hair down and reapplied my makeup. I heard a knock on the door and I looked at the clock.

Hm, its 5:49, he's early.

I ran to the door and opened it.

"Ale-, Draco?" I said very confused.


"What the hell did you say?" He said going from calm to angry within milliseconds.

"I-I thought you were-"

"Alec?" he said interrupting me. "You have a date with him?" he scoffs. Looking me down and up.

"I told you, you were mine." he stated. Draco then began to inch closer to me, the door still open. He grabbed my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Should I tell him about our fun times. The times when you tasted me and the times I tasted you. The times I made you moan out of pleasure? Would you like that, whore?" He says, and it instantly gave me butterflies.

I looked at Draco, and then immediately snapped back to reality. I pushed him from me. "Don't ever call me a whore." I snapped at him. I then went to get my purse and walked out my door.

I started walking towards Alec's room when I saw him open his door. I was upset that Draco would say such a thing to me. I mean how could he. I was nothing near a whore. Fucking asshole.

"Hey, I thought I could meet you, I got ready so early" I said forcing a smile on my face as I reached Alec. He was wearing black khakis this time, his famous black leather jacket, and a white long sleeve under. He looked so handsome.

"Are you alright, you seem upset?" He says as his finger sways against my cheek. I never noticed how beautiful his brown eyes were.

"I am alright I promise." I say smiling again.

"Alright, let's go" He said as we tied our hands together and walked off.


We were sitting in The Three Broomsticks down at Hogsmeade. I overall had a really good time. We got to know each other much better and I was glad, Alec, he truly seemed like the perfect guy. He has the looks, the charisma, the smile, platinum blonde hair....

Uh fuck. I was thinking of Draco again.

We stood up after we finished eating and then headed back for a walk to Hogwarts. Our hands suddenly intertwined and as I looked at him, I smiled and he did as well. We walked along laughing and telling funny stories from past experiences.

"So what are your plans for the next week?" Alec asked me. Next week was already Christmas and I was actually happy. I didn't have to see anyone from school for a whole 7 days, especially Draco.

"I am actually going home, and spending Christmas with my family." I say. I was excited to see my family. We were one of the richest wizard families, of course we weren't above the Malfoy's, but we were still quite wealthy. I had a younger brother who was 4, still too young to be attending Hogwarts. My parents and I have truly amazing relationship, and I am happy to be returning home to them soon.

Alec told me how he was also returning home and actually going to spend it back in France, lucky him.

We got to the Slytherin common room and walked up to my dorm room.

"Well this is me. I had a wonderful time Alec, and I would love to do this again." I say smiling. And then Alec leans in and kisses me. His kiss was everything I would hope it to be. But it was not the same as Malfoy's, which upset me.

"Goodnight Violet." He says smiling and walking away.

I opened the door and saw Ruth and Pansy on the bed, clearly waiting for me to tell them how it went.

"She looks happy" Ruth says and my face outstretches with a huge smile.

We spent the rest of the hour talking about Alec and how perfect he is.

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