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Anger Issues.

I woke up the next morning and took a shower, then got dressed. Pansy had already left to meet with Blaise, and Ruth was still here. 

"Hey Roo, what's going on?"I asked. 

"Violet how do I apologize to him. I feel horrible-" she asks me as tears filled her eyes. Truth was I didn't think she should apologize whatsoever. He always got so mad at her when he shouldn't have, and always manipulated her into thinking she was wrong. He was too toxic. 

"Ruth, I think he should be the one to apologize, I mean, you had every right to ask why he was talking with Astoria."

"But Violet he wont talk to me until I apologize and I just wanna be with him on a good note." She said back. 

"Come on, lets go to breakfast, you can't let him win easily." I say and then drag Ruth out the door with me. 


We headed to the dining hall and sat down in our usually area. Pansy and Blaise were making out as we sat down. Draco still not here. 

"Get a room!" I said jokingly as Blaise and Pansy pulled away from each other. They looked cute, but Blaise was just like Draco, a heartbreaker, so she best be careful with him. 

Ruth and I sat near each other and began to eat as Draco walked in with Crabbe and Goyle. They were all snickering, and Draco seemed very unbothered. 

"Ruth, Violet" He greeted us both as he sat down. 

"She's still upset with me is she?" Draco asked me while laughing. Oh how much I'd love to just smack him. 

"Draco you should be the one to apologize" I say, nearly demanding him. Everyone stops and looks at me. Draco's face has become very serious. 

"Is this some joke?" He says clearly pissed. "Maybe if she wasn't so insecure then this wouldn't be a problem."

Ruth begins to cry and she leaves the dining hall, I stand up.

"Nice Draco." I say and then walk out following Ruth. 

She cried in the hall on my shoulders for a bit and then finally stopped. She stood up and hugged me thanking me for being there for her. She said she would be alright and talk to Draco at lunch. We both then headed our own ways to class. I hated how easy it was for him to get what he wanted. 


As I walked to Divination I saw Cedric. I was nervous. His brown golden hair and beautiful face structure shined as I passed. He was laughing with friends. I smiled at him and he noticed me. I mean Cedric Diggory literally noticed me. 

"Hey Violet!" He shouted after me. Why was Cedric calling my name. Holy shit, this can't me happening. 

"Cedric, Hi!" I say turning around to face him. 

"Listen I have a question for you.."

Oh my god. Was he going to tell me he liked me? 

"Can I see your homework from History of Magic?" he asks. My heart sank. Wow.

 I was a year ahead in that class, I loved history, and Cedric being a 7th year made us be in the same class together. 

"Oh uh sure" I say as I pull a piece of paper out of my bag handing it to him. 

"Thanks you're amazing." he says and then walks away. 

That was a bust. But then again, who would ever like me. I mean look at me. 


I went to potions and sat down. Draco sat down next to me. He looked PISSED. I didn't even wanna try to look at him or he'd cut my head off. Then he spoke. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are telling me I need to apologize to her?" He says very angrily, and very quietly so only I can hear what he says. Draco places his hand on my thigh and squeezes. 

"What are you doing-?" I asked but he quickly interrupts. 

"Don't ever tell me what to do Moresen." he snickers at me and then lets go of my leg. 

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