T H I R T Y - S I X

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Between The Two Of Us.

Staring at the Dark Mark, permanently displayed on Draco's arm, I stood there staring at it, seduced.

He let his sleeve down and a worried look was painted on his face.

"Violet say something." he said as he slowly approached me. My eyes met with his.

Once again, silence filled the area.

I sat down on the couch, my jaw hung open. Draco came down on his knees in front of me, grabbing a hold of my hands.

"Violet, baby please say something."

"I-I just. I don't k-know what to say." I said, my eyes meeting his.

Draco sat down next to me, and explained everything. He explained how that time he had to suddenly leave, he came back with this mark, claiming the dark lord needs him to fix the vanishing cabinet.

"What does he want with the cabinet?" I asked lowly.

"He wants me to repair it, so..."


"So death eater can get though into the school."


"Death eaters? In school? W-why?"

"I-I have to do something for the dark lord."

"Something that involves death eaters to invade our safe, soon to not be safe, school?" I got up shaking my head. "What is it you have to do?"

"I-I don't think you want to know."

"JUST TELL ME!" I shout, which surprises not only Draco, but myself as well.

"I have to kill Dumbledore." He spills out.

I felt my stomach fall to the ground. I became nauseous and very pale.

"If I don't complete this task, he's going to kill me, Violet." He said weakly.

I turned around and began to sprint towards the exit, Draco running behind me.

"Wait Violet, please, you cannot tell anyone. Please I am begging you. If you tell anyone, my life will be over he will kill. Is that what you want?" He asked sternly, but his voice trembled.

"I-I need time to process all of this. I won't tell anyone, just please, I need to go." I stated, and then left the room.

What the fuck is happening.

Poor Draco.

Poor Dumbledore.

I can't keep this a secret. Peoples lives are in danger.

But so is Draco's life.

But is his secret really worth it?

Is he really worth it?


It's been 3 days now, since I have seen Draco. He was on my mind all the time. I thought about his task, tried coming up with solutions on how to possibly escape this, I tried everything in my power to save him from he who shall not be named.


I was scared, I was angry, I was losing my mind.

I wanted to tell everyone about what I knew. A secret this big, this important, this dangerous should never be kept away. Not from my friends, not from my people here.

I know what I have to do.


I left dinner early and ran to the Room of Requirement.

"Draco! Draco where are you?" I yelled and shouted until I finally saw him.

"Violet?" He looked worse. It has really taken a toll on him since he told me. The truth was eating him alive.

"Draco, I won't tell anyone... under a few conditions, though."

Draco runs to me and smashes his lips on mine, conducting electricity within our lips, like my kiss was his ultimate healer, medicine.

"I already do my schoolwork, Snape brings me my work everyday after school," he said.

"No, not that."

"What are the conditions then, Princess?" He asked as he stroked my hair putting it behind my ear.

"I will keep it a secret, but you have to start being 100% honest with me."


"Im not done yet-" I say, "You need to start coming to eat with me, everyone misses you, and you need to eat." I take a breath, "and lastly, I want you to start coming to me, every night and sleep with me in my bed, so I know you are sleeping"

"I don't need a babysitter, Violet" he said, smiling.

"Draco, I just don't think I can allow you to do this alone anymore."

"Hm" he says as he leans in for one more kiss.

"Oh and one more thing bad boy, you have to take me back as your girlfriend, unless-" I start to say but Draco pulls me in close to him.

"I will gladly take you back, Princess."

And for the first time in months, Draco looked truly happy.

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